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M 27, commonly known as the Dumbell Nebula.
This is another planetary nebula, easily seen in
binoculars. Ten minute exposure on ISO 3200 film.
M 37 is an open star cluster. Less compact
than a globular, but equally impressive due
to its larger apparent size. 5 minute exposure.
M 31, The Great Andromeda Nebula. Actually
another galaxy, this image shows only the inner
portion. Best seen in a dark sky, the entire galaxy
spans almost ten moon diamteres. 15 min. exp.
M 42, The Orion Nebula. Visible directly
below Orion's belt as a bright, fuzzy patch.
Best seen in binoculars. 10 minute exposure.
Comet Hyakutake, March 1997. This is
a 4 minute exposure with a 200 mm lens
on ISO 400 film.
This sequence of a partial lunar eclipse
took place over several hours in 1992.
A 1000 mm  lens and ISO 400 was used.
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