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1. The RAPTURE: where is it in the Bible? What are specific calculations about the Rapture?
2. When does Revelation Chapter 6 happen and why do the first five seals equate with the birth pangs or beginning of sorrows?
3. What is the future of Israel?
4. Are the United Nations new world order planners here now?
5. What about the judgments mentioned in the Book of Revelation?
6. What about the Whore of Babylon?
7. What does Daniel 11:37 tell about the Antichrist?
8. What do Daniel 9:27 and 2 Thess. 2:3-4 tell about the rebuilding of the temple?
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APRIL 25, 2002- Lee rewriting his MASTERS IN
The United Nations New World Order Planners Are Here!  Re:Endtime Prophecy   Page 6 (12/01) Part of the plan is �smart� debit cards, going cashless, making driver�s licences into identification cards, complete with magnetic strips, social security numbers (illegal to use it for that purpose, or to force anyone to give it to them!) digital face scans, fingerprint and dna identification, etc. The excuses to take away our rights since 9-11 is scary! The military now uses invasive identification card, with the above factors, that blocks access to lots of entryways, services, computer information, etc. The public school system is doing some forms of all of this to children.  The International Criminal Court, under the United Nations, is giving itself power it really doesn�t have. National sovereignty is fading away, and even our so-called conservatives are contributing. For instance, George �W� Bush and Attorney General John Ashcroft participated in the so-called �PATRIOT� act, giving feds the power to secretly break into houses, steal, etc., and not even tell anyone they were there! Your guns, computer records, even you lives are in danger, let alone your property rights, etc. The feds not only run schools (poorly), post offices, and give your tax money to �environmentalists�, in order to steal from you, but now they�ve taken over the airlines! This giant cancer is spreading right into domination by the United Nations- even congress is working itself out of a job! And they want to give us all forced smallpox vaccines (don�t even think about trusting what they put into vaccinations!! Or forcing the ones who refuse into their form of quarantine!  Wow! I could go on and on. There is strong evidence the people in control knew in advance about Sept. 11, and it sure seems like it�s being used to the advantage of politicians who belong to the socialist party (and many do) and all the other new world order clubs, all consolidating into one giant beast now! The computer chips taking over our cards and finances, etc., are meant to eventually be implanted into right hands or foreheads. Right now children are being taken from biological parents by �IT TAKES A VILLAGE IDIOT� system, if I may coin a phrase. Fortunately, in the past few years, many have awakened and are telling each other. But that doesn�t seem to be stopping it anymore. Good time to be a Christian and be �looking up�, and it confuses me how anyone could  not be a Christian now. It isn�t entirely the fault of New World Order planners, with all of the fornication, adultery, divorce, illegitimacy, and everything else going on, even in the church. That ties right in, although the people in control have intentionally planned for us to be that way, too. Think about all of the non-Christian foreigners coming into this country, and the fact that Christianity is becoming more unpopular as a result of many factors, all planned. We are called �intolerant� and we are being told to accept all other religions as equal ways to heaven, despite what the Bible says! Even professed �Christians� are saying �don�t judge�, as their own form of cop-out! Since the emerging world government is the United Nations, and the Biblical Antichrist appears to be coming out of this giant beast, I think it is possible he will indeed be the next Secretary-General! The U.N. has made tremendous strides as this soon world govt., Shimon Peres and many others are being groomed for this position, and are potential candidates. Or will he come from Syria? (Daniel 11)I will be writing lots more about the Antichrist to come and the United Nations,  along with current world events. �written by Cynthia Diane
April 2, 2002- With current events happening, I decided it�s time to write an update. The situation now is that over the past few days, including Easter and Passover, the Israelis have had no choice but to isolate Yassar Arafat, but he hasn�t suffered. He�s been provided with food and water, his men, his medicine, and even allowed to receive visitors. His life has been in no danger, and the television cameras have abounded, allowing him to languish in more attention than his wildest dreams would have allowed. The media has mostly focused on the �plight� of his side, and the whole purpose has been to prevent more killing of Jews under Arafat�s jurisdiction. Israeli intelligence knows the plans, and took action. As of this morning, the whole international community has again been giving all of the forced dictates to Israel, and so today�s announced concession is that Mr. Arafat is allowed to leave alone, as long as he actually leaves Israel. I don�t know, at this point, what he will choose to do, as he is playing all of this up for his benefit. Meanwhile, the muslim Palestinians have used their willingness to commit suicide to kill and kill again. Saddam Hussein has come out and told them to keep it up, it�s honorable. The American news media has focused on him and his speeches, too, although always claiming to want to �get Saddam Hussein�. Which leads to the innocence, or lack thereof, of the USA and all other countries. Let us begin with the U.N., the big beast that everyone allows to take charge. Kofi and the gang immediately raced to the scene and took over, secretly and behind the scenes, of course. They are well known to be pro- Palestinian and extremely biased, and this situation is no exception. The muslim masses are doing everything they can to play the �victims�, the ones in the right, and are being heard by everyone, including the USA. On Easter Sunday, from what I see and hear, probably millions of Christians in America emailed the president to back Israel, and some of his verbal rhetoric indicated he was listening. Polls in the US are heavily in favor of what Israel did, yet the night of Easter, our president Bush sold out. If my information is correct, he cast a vote with the United Nations, against Israel. China has been totally pro-Palestinan, as has the whole European community. China, of course, gets most of the manufacturing to provide the world�s goods, another sell-out of America by her leaders. (If we were oil independent, as we could and should be, we wouldn�t have to cater so much to the Palestinians and the muslims.) And with all of the �anti-terrorism� tactics in recent months, our borders have been left wide open, with foreigners from anywhere and everywhere streaming continually into our country. The taxpayer-funded government has taken our airports from us, another ploy to rob our freedoms and put us under a police state. Yet we keep hearing about small pox and bioterrorism, and the �discovery� of millions of vaccines, and we know the anthrax that was released to a small number of people after September 11, 2001 was government grade. We know that the governments knew about the Sept. 11 events in advance and at the least did nothing to stop them. We have even heard that the plane crash into the pentagon was fabricated, that it didn�t even happen, but the lies are in order to set up the New World Order, under the United Nations. Now, back to the events in Israel. Not only are the muslims hating the Jews, Israel, Christians, and the United States of America, but the European community has come out completely against the Jews and Israel, and is telling the USA leadership what to do. So we Christians in America who love Israel are really being swallowed up and ignored, and Israel�s hand are being tied again, too. What does all of this mean scripturally, prophetically?  It brings to my mind three scriptures. The first part of Zech. 14:2 says, �For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to Battle;� and of course Genesis 12:2 and 3 is emerging as important.
Speaking of Israel, �And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.� This was part of the promise to Abraham and Sarah�s descendents, and the land of Israel is God�s personal real estate, promised only to the Jews, and Christians know that. The part our leaders had better take heed to is the �bless and curse� part. Since our country has formally joined the whole world in violating God�s law, judgment must come. That is why I included the part about bioterrorism and all of the hatred around the world toward us, and the emerging new world order. Since the millions of us Christians have been vehemently rallying on Israel�s behalf the last couple of days, and God�s wrath is not intended for us, I would also be looking for His �escape plan� for us. The other verse to which I want to refer is Ps. 122:6, �Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.� Since we know by the scriptures that Jerusalem will be trodden down by the Gentiles, until the second coming of Jesus (with the Raptured and dead in Christ behind Him), we are actually told to be praying for the second coming itself, to set up the millennial kingdom on earth, when the promise the Jews will truly begin, but with a small, battered remnant of Jews left to start it! THAT is where things are headed!!�Sadly, our leaders have sold out and ruined our country. ---  Written by Cynthia Diane
Just a quick prophetic update of today's events so far- April 3, 2002-
Russia has now come out against Israel, but millions of Christians in

the USA are still her allies. The muslims in Denver and other places
are clamoring and rallying in the streets. One of the hazards of
allowing the multitudes of them (and Mexicans, etc.) into our
country. Could mean terrorism, big time, here. Some muslim family of
five in a foreign country (India?) was burned to death in their home-
I certainly don't advocate that! I've also been hearing of "shady"
operations going on around Yassar Arafat in his compound, weapons
building and potential other scary things; no wonder he won't leave!
Too bad Israel isn't being allowed the total leverage to handle this
business once and for all. ----Written by Cynthia Diane
Old Arafat is really a piece of work isn't he? My theory, and it's
only that, is that he is sick and dying anyway, and this whole
incident has created a situation now where the attention on him
hasn't been higher in recent years, so he'd love to "go out in a
blaze of glory". Shortly before Passover and Easter, etc., he had
made up a chant about millions of lives given (suicide) for the cause
of going into Jerusalem, and virtually blowing all of the Jews and
visiting Christian Americans, etc., up. Of course two of the major
things Israel (out of necessity and practicality) has going are that
their intelligence- ability to be totally informed in advance- and
military might keep her alive! So naturally she knew this,
and "holing up" Arafat was completely a tactic to save lots of lives!
Disaster, as bad as it is, was averted. Except that now that the
holiday is over, Arafat won't "get outta Dodge", and both he and
Hussein are hard at work behind the scenes to implement alternative,
yet equally as deadly, strategies. And Israel could probably even put
a damper on that, except that the United Nations and the
international community, including the USA won't allow her to do it
properly! As Christians it's a little scary and a lot exciting
anticipating what could be next on the agenda. As non- Christians, I
think it has to be just plain scary. Guess that's why they will
accept the "solutions"- peace and safety lie and the Antichrist when
it's all said and done. Meanwhile, Israel and the Jews' very
existence is being threatened, as well as their right to live
ANYWHERE (once their homeland would be stripped from them!) and the
muslims, palestinians have ALL of that surrounding land all around
little Israel, but that's not good enough for them. Anyone who
advocates their behavior advocates something like you and I sitting
in our homes and wanting to allow foreigners to move in, then you,
the home and property owner, have no right or reason to even exist!
Which, in a way, is what the USA is becoming, too. We even hear
about "democracy" which is mob rule at the expense of the individual,
while we are supposed to be a constitutional REPUBLIC, which saves
the individual FROM mob rule. And our own politicians have allowed
this to happen (and even use the "democracy" word, intentionally)-
under Clinton, who sabotaged this country, we at least had some hope
of a republican to come along and restore her, but that doesn't seem
to be happening. At least most conservatives and Christians don't
accept a republican president's actions blindly simply because of
party affilitation; we can be glad that there is some awakening! But
the question is this- is it too late? And would God keep us through
it all and somewhat blessed anyway, if we were not asking for
judgment by rebelling? One of the rebellions would be betrayal of
Israel and the Jews! From what I understand, even though I disagree
with Catholicism, the vatican is favoring the Jews, Israel, as evil
and scripturally perverted as Catholicism is in other respects.
(Sadly, a lot of Protestants and our churches are equally as tainted,
no matter what our stands are regarding Israel, too) But for those of
us who are hopefully among the Church that is pleasing to our LORD
Jesus Christ, parts of this, along with all of the other horrors, are
reasons to be excited, looking up, and occupying (spreading the
gospel, etc.) until He comes back!!-  NOW I understand from the
news that President Bush is telling ISRAEL to back off, stop it and
get out! Sound like prophecy fulfilled?--Cynthia Diane
P.S. Sure it's sad that "innocent" palestinians, like at the church
building in Bethlehem, are caught in the crossfire, but (a) they
don't belong there, (b) to even get NEAR them, or allow press or
anyone else there, could spell disaster, since they are willing to
carry explosives, etc, even in body cavities and blow themselves and
others around them up, and (c) islamic terrorists are in there after
having shot their way in and now I understand having shot the door
out, further victimizing their OWN people and not allowing any safety
measures, or even removal of the dead and dying. Israeli soldiers'
hands are tied, even though the media is again making them out to be
the bad guys!
The following update was from April 5, 2002, so these have been placed slightly out of sequential order, but I don't think it will create any problems!
Awesome prophetic things happening. Anthony Zinni met with Yassar
Arafat this morning, and of course Israel was blamed for everything!
(When in reality it is Arafat and the palestinians that have done all
that he was blaming them for!) Mr. Zinni then decided he must form a
nice little group that will play nice together, because Mr. Arafat,
after all he has done and been to Israel in past days, said he would.
Mr. Z decides on his own that Israel is not calling her own shots,
and wants to meet with THEIR side later today. Surprise, surprise.
They (so far) have said "Uh-uh", which seems logical to me. Of   
course, the whole international community will say they are not
playing nice now, and try to do the severe version of sending them to    
their rooms (except that they don't even call the rooms theirs)
without supper. And the Israeli military won't back off. They don't
LIKE having their death warrant signed without their permission,
despite what all the other boys and girls want to do to them! It's
going to take God's supernatural intervention to save them now, via
Ezekiel 38 and 39, I believe. And Colin Powell comes next. Of course,
lots could happen before that. Or the poor Israeli leaders may have
to give in AGAIN, and be forced into more of this deadly farce.
Meanwhile, the Jews in Israel and perhaps all over, who have put so
much trust in the allegiance of the USA and her leaders are feeling
totally devastated, betrayed, bewildered and helpless today, I'm sure.
The best solution would be to turn to Jesus as Savior and Lord, and
to Christians; perhaps some good will come from this and some unsaved Jews and others will do just that.
Time is short!
Meanwhile, everyone forgets that this is likely making GOD angry.
Perhaps it's time for removal of those of us who are behaving in
scriptural ways, so judgment can come on all who are ignoring His
dictates about the Jews and Israel, etc.--written by Cynthia Diane
April 6- Update: President Bush has England's Tony Blair in the U.S. conspiring together regarding the Jews and Israel. Tony Blair is known to be in favor of the coming new world order, and it is becoming more evident that so is our American president. They are spouting such rhetoric as saying that ISRAEL MUST GET OUT OF "PALESTINIAN" LAND NOW! For shame! Colin Powell's trip there is scheduled for tomorrow.  How much more obvious can it be that the United Nations and the Internationalists are taking over, and as I have pointed out, are totally in favor of the side that is not Jewish or Israeli!? Multitudes of muslims, palestinians all over the world, including at New York's times square, are coming out and screaming. Even those who aren't Christians know something big is happening prophetically, even if they can't put their fingers on it. The Jewish people all over the world may appear quiet by comparison, but the reality is that unity and cohesion is happening there, too, and they are simply putting it all together, perhaps in a more organized and orderly way. The split, division, or side-taking has become such a reality all over the world that there is no "fix" for this. Americans, in general, have the attitude that it's either the Jews in the right, or the palestinians, or perhaps another viewpoint is that it's none of our busness, and that we should stay out of it altogether. The only problems with that conclusion now are that the Jews will literally die, and Israel would be just another place taken over by muslims (which is dangerous to us and to the world) and that the Internationalists aren't going to let that- the "leave them alone" strategy - be an option anyway. Bush and Blair are now living proof of that. The fourth beast of Daniel 7 is alive and well, waiting to become the description in Rev. 13:1! Right now the first three beasts are alive, well, and helping the giant fourth beast become what it is going to become, under the reign of the Antichrist.  You can tell by the Biblical mandates given to Israel, because she will follow the U.N. (at least to some degree) and allow the covenant and the abomination of desolation, where poor little Israel is headed. Interesting part now will be how her leaders- Ariel Sharon, Benjamin Netanyahu and the others, react to all of this now. Pray for them! Pray even for "W" Bush, if it isn't too late for him to change and stop acting under the direct control of the spirit of antichrist! The "covernant" is not the answer either, although it is right where all is headed (Daniel 9:27), and those who advocate it are deluded about the hatred islam has for Jews! I thought it was interesting that Yassar Arafat now wants all of that land he TURNED DOWN when Barak tried to wrongly hand it over to him  on a silver platter! Is this all Bible prophecy in the making, or what? By the way, the Jews and Israel will never die, God has promised that. He will intervene personally first! I now understand Mr. Sharon is going to go along with Mr. Bush & Mr. Blair! Sad.---written by Cynthia Diane
It is still April 4, as it was when I wrote the update above, but so much is happening, I believe two a day is in order! President Bush has come out against Israel, unlike his previous speeches, although his actions have already proven it. He is now advocating the United Nations as the one to solve this, and demanding both that U.N. resolution (1402?) be followed. Kofi and the gang are still completely anti-Israel, of course, so if left alone without God's intervention to come now, it would be a death sentence for the Jews and Israel. The United Nations has stated that neither Israel nor ANY COUNTRY now has the right to fend for itself, no matter how much it or the rest of the world hates that country. (The U.N. "peacekeepers" and "security forces" also want to kill off the "excess" world's population, which it considers to be about 80%, and take away all privately owned guns, and I won't go into what all else. It is trying to establish a world tax, which is mentioned in Daniel 11, when the man who precedes the Antichrist will be remembered as a raiser of taxes, and it wants everyone under it's jurisdiction in International Criminal Court.) Sadly, our own government has sold us out- I seem to be using that term a lot in these updates. In Pres. Bush's speech today, he used both the horrible and inaccurate term "democracy" and "peace and security". The Bible equates that to an antichrist term in the last days- When they say "peace and safety, then sudden destruction will come upon them." I believe he's even used the term his father is so famous for repeating, "new world order", although I am not claiming he said it in his anti-Israel talk today. I now understand the vatican, which is considered to be like a whole country in it's seat in the United Nations, HAS said a lot of anti-Israel things, too, so what I heard initially seems to be changed. As most everyone who is listening knows, there is a betrayal of Israel and complete palestinian loyalty declared by Egypt, which is not a surprise, and Saudi Arabia, as well as S. Hussein and Y. Arafat and others are offering even larger amounts of money than the standard sums to anyone who is willing to be a suicide terrorist. Israel, in desperation, has been showing actual written proof to the world today about both this and Mr. Arafat's repeated participation in promoting these acts, hoping others will see the legitimacy of their plight. (For all the good that does.) Also, on regular news, it was admitted that little Israel, by comparison to the rest of all those countries, is not only being forced into "land for peace" concessions, but that the bigger issues in the coming covenant is going to be Jerusalem, and specifically the temple mount area. I thought to myself, "how much more Biblically prophetic can it get?". The Israelis are being forced to see CFR member Colin Powell and/or Zinni soon, although they wanted to handle this themselves, and being forced into what will prove, of course, to be  another useless covenant. They will also be forced to give up more of what is theirs, to people who have turned down and violated all previous offers and pacts, and who have no intention of changing their terrorism or honoring anything. The only hope for keeping the Jews alive is to get the descendents of Hagar completely out! I am ashamed of my leaders for forcing Israel into this futile, life threatening fiasco. Which reminds me, in his speech today, Mr. Bush referred to the "descendents of Abraham", not specifying Abraham and Sarah. And he calls himself a Christian! And all of this is a life-threatening fiasco for us in the United States of America, too.
---written by Cynthia Diane
For the latest updates go right above the green page, and to the left!  (So far, through Saturday, April 6, 2002)
Right now Israel and Mr. Sharon have been forced into a precarious position. Pres. Bush made a 20 minute phone call to Mr. Sharon and told him to remove all troops from "palestinian" areas, and he apparently agreed to the criteria. The resultant focus of the world's biased media is how compliant is his behavior now. Naturally, for safety reasons, Israeli soldiers are not pulling out immediately, with the response that Jewish lives would be lost, which is the truth. As a matter of fact, they are still performing house to house searches of muslim houses and have discovered bombs and bomb making apparatus. This does not sway the international community, however. The biggest concession made would simply be to replace Israeli protection with United Nations "peacekeepers", which always results in disaster. The world knows that muslims are suicide terrorists intent on killing every Jew, yet will not conclude that removal of ALL palestinians is the only viable solution. Colin Powell will soon be headed to the middle east, with the scheduled stop in Israel later, after having talked to the multitudes of leaders bent on destroying Israel, and all Mr. Powell can discuss openly now is Israel's willingness (or lack thereof) to remove her military power and personnel. Sad. Again, lest we forget, the important issue is WHAT DOES GOD THINK OF ALL OF THIS?!? Which leads me into UPDATE FOR SUNDAY, April 7,2002-
I'm going to spell out why God will have to intervene in all of this mess. First, let's take a look into the 'palestinian' side. Not only are Arafat and many others offering as much as $25,000 per suicide when it involves killing their declared enemies, but their little boys are schooled to hate, disrespect, throw stones and even to become martrys and that even their parents would be proud to see them die as murderers, or "martyrs". These schools are even located in the midst of the very people they are taught to make the objects of all of this, and on the land of the projected targets, although it is not acknowledged as the Jews' land. Legally, the land belongs to the Jews, although they themselves have not been smart in allowing all of their very own enemies to move in. Also, men like Arafat and others have no hesitation in sacrificing the lives of palestinians, mulims, when it suits their agendas, although the brainwashed masses continue to follow. Instead of paying out the money for suicide and killing, they could put it to good use by relocating the palestinians living in Israel to the vast expanse of other land, and providing livelihood. But no, that would be too logical and decent. Because of this, we have a couple of ongoing situations. Not the least of these is that Mr. Arafat STILL refuses to leave his quarters in Israel, and the leverage to force him out has not been granted by the internationalists, which we will get to next!
Also, the 200 or so palestinian people are still being held by palestinian criminals at the church in Bethlehem, because the hands of the Israeli soldiers were too tied in the beginning of that situation. Also, in order to do house to house searches of civilian palestinians, which I would not normally agree with in any way, shape or form, the doors and windows are being torn down and broken, people are being terrorized and Israeli soldiers are in danger. This is the only place and time in the history of the world when I believe it is necessary, and both it and the church in Bethlehem situation are because this brainwashed mass of muslims do not belong there, and there is no other recourse. Now, moving on to the next problem with man ruling, not God. The media, as I pointed out at the beginning of this page, has focused on what Mr. Sharon supposedly said to Pres. Bush (and Mr. Blair, who was present), and is indicating that because all Israeli soldiers have not been recalled, that Mr. Sharon is lying. Now, after reading page one of the Denver Post, I am getting a completely different perspective. Apparently Mr. Sharon was diplomatic and said what he had to say. That was that he will speed up the action necessary, in order to pull them back as soon as possible. So the military action is escalating, which is exactly what he promised, and what Israel was pushed into doing. But now the news spin is also that Israel accelerates their action, despite promise to get out. So the reality is that Israel is both honest and expedient, but that the world is being convinced to take it as just the opposite, therefore enhancing the hatred toward Israel and her government. Ah, mankind in it's evil!  EVEN SO, COME LORD JESUS! and PRAY FOR THE PEACE OF JERUSALEM! See how these two verses say the same thing?!?!---written by Cynthia Diane

First note that things have now elevated to a level that is out of man's control, no matter what the world leaders do. This is not to say that they must continue to act. Not only have George Bush, the U.N. and all of the muslim countries come out against Israel, and some in favor of the internationalists, which the U.N.
is , but now the E.U. and Russia have jumped into the scene making dictates against little tiny Israel. This has forced Ariel Sharon into meeting with HIS OWN, meaning other leaders and the people's opinion. They KNOW they cannot listen to the world now, and are acting in a way that they must! What does this all mean? In a nutshell, it means human fixes and negotiations are over, that the Biblical Antichrist is lurking behind the scenes (whether he knows before his pending fatal wound that he is the Antichrist or not!) and that Ezekiel 38 & 39 is about to blow! It also means we must be ready for the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, because dark days on earth loom. For the born again Christian, this translates to wonderful news, for others it does not! Perhaps I will be wrong and something will happen with human fixes, but that is appearing to be a doubtful conclusion.    UNITED NATIONS GETS 66 VOTES
Note from Cynthia Diane: I do NOT agree with a lot of ENDTIME's views on many issues, but this is definitely worth listening to, in full. (It lasts almost an hour)
It has been brought to my attention that the above information about events in Israel is now somewhat outdated, so for more current discussion see prophecycenter group site messages. Use link  at top of this page for access to those open posts. (you don't even have to join, in order to read what group members are saying!)Plus bonus
feature- archives search by subject box included, just add word(s)!!
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Subject: Tying up ALL LOOSE ENDS about ENDTIME PROPHECY (MUST READ!)  I have posted these things I am going to write multitudes of times - but I believe it is time to put them all together into easily understood clarity. The post trib Rapture people are obviously wrong, and there are evident reasons from the Bible to know that. However, the majority of pretribbers are also wrong. The "seven years left" claim is totally unscriptural. Yes, the Rapture is imminent. And there are a few other misconceptions and 'loose ends' I will deal with here.  First of all- let's get into the claim of "seven years" - and that basically comes from Daniel 9:25-27. First of all, Daniel's seventieth week is mentioned in Daniel 9:25 and 26. But if you look closely, you will see a reference to JESUS! He did his three and one half years of ministry, then was "CUT OFF"- "not for His own sake". Cut off means crucified. And if he had gone the full gamut of seven years, He would have completed the seventieth week of Daniel, and the Gentiles would have been excluded, along with all of us who weren't born yet. And so forth. The millennial reign would have begun, but that was not the plan. So you see, one half of Daniel's 70th week has already been fulfilled. It will resume for another three and one half years under the demonic control of the coming Antichrist.  Now, moving on the Daniel 9:27.... this is NOT about the 70th week of Daniel. But it IS about a seven year covenant. The actual word "heptad" means seven years. But the part that gets distorted is the "midst", when this is broken. It is NOT NECESSARILY right in the middle of any seven year period. It can be ANYTIME during that seven year period. Now if you look in Daniel chapter 12, there are two references to days that are both thirty days longer than the three and one half 360 days long years and seventy five days longer than the three and one half day years. So HERE is what I believe is the proper calculation for the Rapture. It will be exactly 75 days before the point that leaves three and one half 360 day years. THIS will give some leverage for the time that the covenant is made and broken just a number of those days into it, not three and one half years into it. It will allow for the formation of the globalist government and the rising of the Antichrist, the abomination of desolation, and all that will transpire very quickly after the Rapture.  OK, now I hope that is clear. Moving on to more facts that get prophetically distorted, generally. As most of you who read my writings know, I believe the first five seal judgments are equated with the birth pangs or beginning of sorrows, so are happening now. They have been happening for around two thousand years, but have escalated in intensity and frequency. I can demonstrate in the fifth seal judgment in Revelation six, for instance, that when the martyrs from NOW are under the altar asking "HOW LONG" until Jesus begins to avenge their martyrdom, that they are CURRENT martyrs. Not from later. But that is not the purpose here- that's been done already. I've demonstrated that Revelation 4:1, when the call to 'come up here' to John was made, it can STILL accurately equate with the Rapture and the Rapture can be- and I believe is- in Revelation 6:12-14. Because the two 'in heaven' chapters, 4 and 5 stretch out through time and the Bible has to be written with some order, not interrupting itself, but I have done that. OK, now in the sixth seal judgment, the one where I believe the Rapture is clearly contained (and you will see that if your read it), I also believe is in synchrony with the attempted invasion of Israel in Ezekiel 38 and 39- Gog and Magog. And if you look at the verses still in Revelation chapter six right after the "biggies" of the sixth seal judgment, where the Rapture just happened, you see that people are running to the rocks, hills and mountains and know that God's wrath or the wrath of the Lamb is beginning. There is a HUGE misconception that the wrath is only a short time, right before the second coming of Jesus. Shame on anyone who 'bought' that, from Rosenthal and Baxter, etc... It tells me that the wrath begins RIGHT after the Rapture. Then the seventh seal judgment contains the next set of judgments, the trumpet judgments, and doesn't happen right away. I can point out to you the differences in the seal judgments- the first six are NOT GOD'S WRATH, but all of the rest of the judgments to be poured out have angels on assignment, and ARE GOD'S WRATH. But we've covered that before, too. The Bible says we will all suffer tribulation, and that it begins at the house of God.  However, the time to come for three and one half years, beginning 75 days after the Rapture, is called GREAT TRIBULATION, THE DAY OF THE LORD, TIME OF JACOB'S TROUBLE, etc. These are ALL the three and one half years' long period just preceding Jesus' second coming. And back to the end of Revelation chapter six. Everyone not only is trying to hide and KNOWS that God's wrath has begun - this is shortly BEFORE great tribulation, but notice that the half hour of silence in Revelation chapter seven verse one and Revelation chapter eight verse one is one and the same. It's the 'calm before all hell on earth breaks loose'! So what is happening in Revelation chapter seven, the 'interim' before the last seal judgment that contains the trumpet judgments, breaks out?  You have TWO groups there- one is the 144,000 JEWS who JUST BECAME CHRISTIANS (or 'Messianic') and get the Holy Spirit, get sealed. You also have the other group - these are the dead in Christ and the RAPTURED SAINTS, who JUST GOT RAPTURED! What a reunion. This is the only conclusion that makes sense. Then in Revelation 14, you have two groups IN HEAVEN. The 144,000 sealed Jews were JUST RAPTURED THEMSELVES, and this will be within the same hour as the two witnesses or prophets who were assigned on earth for three and one half years are also ascended to heaven slowly, the same way Jesus ascended and will come at the second coming. THIS- the arrival in heaven of everyone in Revelation fourteen, I believe, will conclude exactly 45 days before Jesus' second coming. That way all can join the final part of the festivities of the wedding feast and prepare to return behind Jesus soon.  Notice that the reference to those who make it to Jesus second coming, those who last the EXTRA 30 DAYS- remember 30 days plus 45 days totals that 75 days mentioned in Daniel 12- will be the ELECT JEWISH REMNANT. Everyone else who is GOD'S WILL will likely be in Heaven just before that. Will there be any GENTILES left who will be saved, not beastmarked, during these last of the last days before Jesus' second coming? The jury is still out on that one. Will there still be any JEWS who are not hiding at Petra or Bozrah in Jordan? That's up for debate, too.  OK, I hope that was stated with clarity and not confusing. Now to Jesus' second coming. There are some facts here that I perceive. First of all, there are NOT 200 million troops there, unless there is a huge coincidence. The Bible states that they are from the kings of the east and from the whole earth- two different verses in the book of Revelation, same chapter as each other and very close to one another. The only place where 200 million are mentioned are in a completely different event or context. There are demonic critters who torture for five months, and the only ones not tortured are the 144,000 sealed Jews- even the ones who have accepted Jesus outside of this group will likely be included. Then the NEXT trumpet judgment, one of the three 'woes' is yet another demonic release of 200 million meant to KILL ONE THIRD OF EARTH'S INHABITANTS! They have NOTHING to do with the battle of Armageddon, and aren't even at the same time. Now, what about Jesus' second coming? Here is what I think is likely. There is a certain number of 'furlongs' mentioned as the winepress of the wrath of God, which will be filled with blood. There is a ravine that goes from Megiddo through the dead sea and ends just before the entrance to Petra or Bozrah - 176 miles, I believe. Jesus will return as King of Kings with the dead in Christ, Raptured church, martyred great tribulation saints (mostly having been beheaded) and all behind Him, on white horses. Those gathered to - I believe- both ATTACK AND KILL THE HIDING JEWISH REMNANT and TAKE JERUSALEM will turn on Jesus, to 'defeat' Him. Fools! So the "Battle of Armageddon" means him killing them with the sword in his mouth- meaning Bible scriptures!- and there will be SO MUCH BLOOD that it will get blood on the hem of his garment. But Jesus doesn't necessarily have to even touch down all the way to earth's surface. He will after he defeats all of the beastmarked unsaved people and casts the devil, Antichrist and false prophet alive into hell- he will head over to Jerusalem to set up his NEXT REBUILT TEMPLE. You see, there is a coming rebuilt temple, then Jesus will build YET another one after that, and that will be his throne for the next 1000 years. The SECOND COMING, before going to Jerusalem, will be all along that ravine, and killing the people all along the way, and will, I believe, end right at Petra or Bozrah, where the ELECT REMNANT of Jews will be changed into their Adam and Eve- like bodies. Then will begin the 1000 years. (Or maybe he will begin at Petra/Bozrah, and the elect remnant can follow to Megiddo and watch the "Battle"!?)  So, back to the Rapture of the church- the imminent one that we are to be constantly watching for and praying that we be accounted worthy to escape in- it comes MOST LIKELY, by my calculations, 75 days before the last three and one half years begins, and NOT before any seven year period.
--Cynthia Diane or "Cheyenne Cin"
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