Spider-Man (2002)
Cats & Dogs (2001)
Don's Plum (2001)
Wonder Boys (2000)
Ride with the Devil (1999)
The Cider House Rules (1999)
Pleasantville (1998)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)
Deconstructing Harry (1997)
The Ice Storm (1997)
Joyride (1996)
Seduced by Madness (1996)(TV)
Duke of Groove (1995)(TV)
Revenge of the Red Baron (1994)
A Child's Cry for Help (1994)(TV)
S.F.W. (1994)
Spoils of War (1994)(TV)
This Boy's Life (1993)
Great Scott! (1992) TV Series
It's All About Tobey Maguire
    Tobey Maguire was born on June 27th, 1975, in Santa Monica, CA.  His film debut was This Boy's Life (1995).  He is best known for his role in The Cider House Rules.  Other film-featured roles were Pleasantville and The Ice Storm. Tobey is a high school dropout(9th grade), but has gotten his GED.  His full name:  Tobias Vincent Maguire.
     His parents divorced when he was 2, and he spent much time living and travelling in California, Washington, and Oregon.  He is a vegetarian, non-smoker, non-drinker, and studies yoga.  Catch Tobey in theaters now as the amazing (and way hot & sexy) Spider-Man.

2002 - Tobey takes a spin, doing whatever a spider can, as the ultimate comic hero in Spider-Man.

2000 - Co-stars with Michael Douglas as a troubled teen in Wonder Boys.

1999 - Co-stars with Michael Caine in The Cider House Rules.

1998- Lands his first leading role alongside Reese Witherspoon in Pleasantville.

1998 - Takes another backseat role as a backseat hitchhiker in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

1997 - Gets picked up by director Ang Lee to star in The Ice Storm.  In the same year, he is also given the chance to prove his star potential in Woody Allen's Deconstructing Harry.

1993 - Makes his film debut in This Boy's Life.

Birth Name:  Tobias Vincent Maguire
Date of Birth: 
June 27, 1975 in Santa Monica, California, USA
Current Residence: 
Los Angeles, CA
Hair:  brown
Height:  5 ft. 8 in.
Weight:  approx. 140 lbs.
Sign:  Cancer
boardgames, basketball, yoga, and backgammon
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