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Name: Lee
Age: 24
Hometown: Olympia, WA
Sign: Saggittarius
Food: Ryan Seacrest & seafood
Favorite TV Show(s): Buffy, Charmed, Grey's Anatomy
Hobbies: singing, dancing, shopping, hanging out with friends, more shopping, aspiring American Idol bowling, anything not boring
Quote: "But I have their money.  Who cares what kind of day they have?"
A Little Something About Me

    My name is Lee (if you didn't catch that the first time), I'm 24, and I live in the oh-so-wonderful town of Olympia, WA.  I've lived here my entire life and hope to one day leave here to pursue my dream to become your next AMERICAN IDOL!  But for now, I'll stick to the wonderful world coffee-making and customer-frickin-service..
The Charmed Ones
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pics of Me
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Welcome to My Page
- New pics of me added on 9/02/04.
    As for hobbies, I like to sing (karaoke and with my group NOTEorious), dance, shop, hang out with my friends, go to coffee, watch movies, go to the bars, hike, go camping, helping out the needy and fashionless (and that's totally a joke....I'm not a bitch really), shop some more......I'm pretty much up for anything as long as it's not boring.  This year, though, is going to be an exciting year for me as I venture down to San Francisco, CA to audtion for the new season of AMERICAN IDOL!  Wish me luck and send happy thoughts in my direction!
     I'm a down to earth, fun, outgoing person who enjoys life to it's fullest.  I'm a very friendly person (unless you get on my bad side), love Kelly Clarkson,  and enjoy making new friends.  I rarely dislike people, but if you're just plain rude to me, you'll need to find some place that's else to go.  Do you remember your mother ever telling you to "treat others the way you wish to be treated"?  Let's apply that here, otay?  Good.  Now, go and check out the rest of my site!  Oh!  And did I also mention I'm GAY?!?!
- New pics of friends added on 09/02/04.
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