An eye for an eye leaves us blind.
Mahatma Ghandi

In memory of the victims of terrorism and fanatism.

Stitching Patterns

Last updated: 22. January 2003
Bored out of your mind? Or do you like stitching? Want to combine the Magnificent Seven with your hobby? Here you can find various cross stitching patterns for the M7 and at the bottom of the page some non-M7 related patterns.

Please read the Important Notes at the bottom of the page if this is your first visit to this page.

M7-related Stitching Patterns

Not M7-related stitching patterns:

  • X-Files: John Doggett - Updated: 17.10.2001

  • Dragonball Z: Piccolo - Updated: 22.01.2003

  • Important Notes:

    To access the patterns (look at them, print them), you must download the Free Pattern Viewer.
    You can't access them with text editors like Word.
    Of course, if you already have the PC-Stitch program, you don't need the Viewer.

    If you need some basic instructions on how to do cross stitching, check out this page.

    If you find a pattern that is for Anchor floss, but you want to stitch with DMC floss , you can use the conversion chart on the DMC Hompage to find out what the correct color numbers for DMC are.

    Once you printed out the pattern that you want to stitch, it will also give you a floss list with the names and numbers of the colors you have to use. Each color has a symbol assigned to it which you will also find on the pattern.
    I also suggest that you check the options 'Print Grid Lines' and 'Print Page Numbers' in the 'Printout' window of the 'Options' menu (You can find the 'Options' in the 'View' menu at the top bar of the program.).

    The files are stored in zip-format. If you have problems with the unzipping or want the unzipped file please send me an e-mail.

    If you have other questions and suggestions or would like to suggest a picture for a pattern, feel free to e-mail me.

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