


�In a word, I was too cowardly to do what I knew was right, as I had been too cowardly to avoid doing what I knew to be wrong.� - Great Expectations, Charles Dickens

�Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlaying our hard hearts.� � Great Expectations, Charles Dickens

"All morons hate it when you call them a moron."
- The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger

"...make use of whatever advantages you might have... You'd find them everywhere, if you ever bothered to look! Even when i have nothing more than - I don't know - a chewed-up peach pit, or something of the sort, i won't let it go to waste. When it's time to throw it out, I'll make good and certain to throw it at somebody i don't like!" - Memoirs of a Geisha

"...the pleasures of irony, one sometimes has to think, are the only consolation when contemplating the human story..." - Prisons We Choose to Live In by Doris Lessing

"A new feeling washes over me - a feeling at once destructive, romantic, and grand - like falling into a swimming pool dressed in a tuxedo." - Shampoo Plant by Douglas Coupland

�I think the most admirale trait in people who are otherwise short of admirable traits is at least they lack self pity.� - Shampoo Planet by Douglas Coupland


�Don't oil the pig with the pen gate open.� � N. Oliver-Lew

Everybody is somebody else's weirdo.
A closed mouth catches no flies.
A drink precedes a story.
A hungry man is an angry man.
Hygiene is two thirds of health.
Life without a friend is death without a witness.
May your left ear wither and fall into your right pocket.
One of these day is none of these days.


"You are as dumb as a mule and twice as ugly, and if a stranger offers you a ride, I say take it!" - Simpsons

�Self-deprecation is a thing egomaniacs use to hide their vanity. By the way, I hate myself.�

"Bacon and eggs: a day's work for the chicken... a lifetime investment for the pig."

"If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you."

"Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils."

"On the other hand, you have different fingers..."

"Just because I have a short attention span doesn't mean I"

"Why is the alphabet in that order? Is it because of that song?"

�Fuck that. There�s no such thing as sorry. Sorry�s just a word between shit and syphilis.� � Percy�s Edge, Greg Daniels

"Descended from the apes? Let us hope that it is not true. But if it is, let us pray that it may not become generally known." - FA Montagu.

"There are lies, damned lies and statistics." Mark Twain.

"I am an expert of electricity. My father occupied the chair of applied electricity at the state prison." - WC Fields.

"He, who goes to bed with an itchy butt, wakes up with a smelly finger." - Unknown

"Money can't buy happiness... but it can rent it for a long time!" - Garfield

"Don't knock masturbation, it's sex with someone I love." - Woody Allen

"My classmates would copulate with anything that moved, but I never saw any reason to limit myself." - Emo Philips


"I don't need drugs to make my life tragic." � Eddie Vedder
"Real life is so much more intense than any movie, any song, any book - if you join up and see the right performance. It's not something you could buy tickets for." � Eddie Vedder
"It's easy to make a basket... wait let me rephrase that: It's not that hard to make a basket, but it's so easy to miss it." � Eddie Vedder

�I think the small joys in life are like the bits punctuation found in a sentence, while the tragedies of life make up the words strewn throughout the sentence. Now you tell me which one tends to fill up the page more.� � Anonymous

�One must live life with passion and love, for anything one does that lack these qualities is mediocre at best. To have passion is to have the insatiable desire to do something, to have love is to have the willful ability to risk everything.�

"If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well it were done quickly." - William Shakespeare

"A wise man once said,
If you can't do anything about it then why worry? and If you know you have the ability to do something about it, then why worry? So why is everyone worrying when there is no need to worry?"

"In this world, there is no such thing as the 'villan.'
We are all heroes looking for the perfect, fairy-tale ending for our problems... our tragedies... our lives. And in that bizarre adventure is the miraculous drive that pushes us to the brink of insanity. As a hero, we sacrifice our souls for the sake of the ultimate redemtion... at any cost.
and that is what makes the villan's life so beautiful."

Year CPI 1913 29.7 1914 30.1 1915 30.4 1916 32.7 1917 38.4 1918 45.1 1919 51.8 1920 60 1921 53.6 1922 50.2 1923 51.1 1924 51.2 1925 52.5 1926 53 1927 52 1928 51.3 1929 51.3 1930 50 1931 45.6 1932 40.9 1933 38.8 1934 40.1 1935 41.1 1936 41.5 1937 43 1938 42.2 1939 41.6 1940 42 1941 44.1 1942 48.8 1943 51.8 1944 52.7 1945 53.9 1946 58.5 1947 66.9 1948 72.1 1949 71.4 1950 72.1 1951 77.8 1952 79.5 1953 80.1 1954 80.5 1955 80.2 1956 81.4 1957 84.3 1958 86.6 1959 87.3 1960 88.7 1961 89.6 1962 90.6 1963 91.7 1964 92.9 1965 94.5 1966 97.2 1967 100 1968 104.2 1969 109.8 1970 116.3 1971 121.3 1972 125.3 1973 133.1 1974 147.7 1975 161.2 1976 170.5 1977 181.5 1978 195.4 1979 217.4 1980 246.8 1981 272.4 1982 289.1 1983 298.4 1984 311.1 1985 322.2 1986 328.4 1987 340.4 1988 354.3 1989 371.3 1990 391.4 1991 408 1992 420.3 1993 432.7 1994 444 1995 456.5 1996 469.9 1997 480.8

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