Music and Science
Music and Math

The Science of Harmonics

Why are There 12 Tones in a Scale?

This is the most interesting (and weirdest) site I have ever been to.  It related music to rainbows, triangles, and time!  I actually learned a lot from this site--freaky stuff!

Unusual Music: Fractals and Music. Here's an interesting fact about fractals:  The shorter the ruler you use to measure the length of a fractal, the longer and longer the fractal becomes.  This seems counterintuitive at first.  Say for example you want to measure the California coastline.   You use mile-long rulers first and get some measurement.  Then you use foot-long rulers.  Your measurement now is more accurate and thus the fractal measurement is longer.  Why is this so? Because the shorter the ruler you use, you are able to measure all the tiniest crannies of the jagged coastline. So, if you measured it with infinitesimally short rulers, the coastline would become infinitely long!!

How to Construct a Fractal: fractals are generated by an iteration, k.  Learn about the Koch curve and snowflake.

Fractals and their use in music

Mathematical Art! Yes!! There is such a thing!

The Sound of Mathematics. Listen to actual music, based on mathematical principles!!!

Music and Chemistry

Entropy in music: find out how ordered--or DISORDERED-- your composition is! Do you stray from the tonal key?  do you use notes that are outside of the key range?  Entropy is a good thing, especially for composers nowadays!  You've got atonal music being premiered everywhere!  And the *reactions*?  Hey, did anyone hear that retrograde inversion transposed up a tritone?!

Fractals, Chaos, and Music

Using DNA Texts to Compose Music. This page also contains links to other DNA and Music sites.  Yup! Music's pumping through our blood!

Using Catalytic Chemical Reactions to Synthesize Sound where music and chemistry truly intersect.
I have always been interested in finding connections between music and math, or music and the sciences, or most recently, music and chemistry.  Any new or interesting links that I find in my free time surfing the Net I will add to this page.  E-mail me if you know of any other links or info!!
"Art and science are sisters and imagination is the mother of both." --Theodor Billroth, Viennese surgeon and friend of composer Johannes Brahms
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