Big Country/Status Quo/Beloius Some

9th August 1986

Freddie Mercury: "This is an enormous place, even by our standards, I'll tell you! It looks beautiful from up here; let me tell you! It's frightening, I'll tell you. It looks beautiful!"

larger pic

Queen coming onstage

Queen flying in to the concert

Queen flying over the crowd, I am down there somewhere.


Quo onstage at Knebworth

ticket,photo,info sheet


The weather for this years Knebworth was great; unlike 85's mud bath. When I woke in the camp site on the morning of the gig, I was greeted with a big biker bloke having a pee on someones tent (lovely !!).

They had to let people in from about 9am to the arena, we made our way down to near the front where a big tree was (just right of the mixing desk) surrounded by board to protect it and the Lights that were erected. It was a good place as you had somewhere to lean against when sitting down(had to look after that spot as it was sought after).

Quo were good value and got the crowd going. I think they were playing another gig that night in Europe. I remember the singer of Big Country taking a pic of us lot for his scrapbook. They are not a band that I like much and I am afraid seeing them live did not change my mind.

Queen were professional and slick, great songs(every one a classic) and Freddie was just as Freddie is, a total showman from beginning to end. They came on playing "One Vision" which was a great opener.

The crowd was huge(120,000 plus). I remember thinking how wonderful the whole crowd looked as it went dark and they shone the light over us. It still sends shivers down your spine.

When Queen came on I remember being asked to pass a message on up to the Guys on the lighting rig to radio for help as someone had been stabbed just a few metres away from us. I remember the ambulance having to slowly wade its way through the crowd at snails pace).

This concert was to be Queen's last, ( although we did not know at the time).


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tour programme

Queen Setlist

One Vision,Tie Your Mother Down,In the Lap Of The Gods rev.,Seven Seas Of Rhye,Tear It Up,A Kind Of Magic,Vocal improvisation,Under Pressure,Another One Bites The Dust,Who Wants To Live Forever,I Want To Break Free,Band Jam,Brighton Rock solo,Now I'm Here,Love Of My Life,Is this the World We Created?,(You're So Square) Baby,Hello Mary Lou,Tutti Frutti,Bohemian Rhapsody,Hammer To Fall,Crazy Little Thing Called Love,Radio Ga Ga,We Will Rock You,Friends Will Be Friends,We Are The Champions,God Save The Queen.

Knebworth 90 (Floyd,McCartney,Plant)

Knebworth 85 (Deep Purple)

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