Luis Eduardo Delgado Petersen
Sim�n Bol�var University
Hotel Managent Major:
Academic Program
My carrier status :
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                          PERSONAL INFORMATION

NAME :  Luis Eduardo.
FAMILY NAMES : Delgado Petersen
C.I. & PASSPORT: Not available in this site.
BIRTH PLACE: Caracas, Venezuela.
BIRTH DATE: 09/25/1978.
AGE : 24.
ADDRESS : El Marqu�s, calle Queipa, Qta. # 18-07, Caracas, Venezuela.
PHONES : 0058212-234-4272. 0058212-986-3727. 0058212-9638135.
E-MAIL :  <[email protected]>  .

- Universidad Sim�n Bol�var (Venezuela), T.S.U  in Hotel Management.
(3 years carrier).
- Science General Certificate of Education..

- Microsoft Office 2000.
- Microsoft  Access.
- Fidelio.
- Office machines.


- I did a short Room internship at the Caracas Hilton Hotel , where I was clerk in the Executive Floor, and Room Supervisor in the entire hotel.

- I was CO-CREATOR at the Sambil  Bowling for three months, where I did functions as:
human resources trainer , machine�s  instructor, cashier  and innkeeper. All in relation with costumer services.

I did 3 months internships, at the Radisson Plaza Eurobuilding Caracas, 9 weeks in the Marketing Department and 3 weeks in the Reception Department. During this time I completed a thesis abouth guest satisfaction with bases on the services marketing. I had training in Reservations, Front Desk Clerk, Telephones, Executive Floor Supervition, Sales. 

- Part of my experience is that I coursed a School Restaurant called Camur� Alto  for 3 months. It is designed to put in practice acquiered knowledges during the career. It was a great experience where all functions were accomplished by all the students, functions like cooking, cleaning, Buys, serving, being the maitre, barman, administrative works, cost control, etc. 

- Lived in Bolivia for 2 years .
- Lived in the U.S.A. for 10 months.
- I had the opportunity to  experience different cultures while visiting the following  countries : Colombia, Ecuador, Per�, Bolivia, Argentina,  Paraguay, Brazil and EE.UU.
[email protected]
- Updated:  January 31, 2003 -
Camur� Alto School Restaurant