Trials of Love� Part two of A father�s Love�

Ok, time to jump ahead a bit. Three years have past for the new Spencer/Cassadine family. A lot has changed but something hasn�t. Luke and Laura are married and living in a penthouse across from Alexis and Sonny. Alexis and Sonny are expecting their first child soon.  Stefan has the house that he once shared with Laura and her children and now he lives with Bobbie and her kids. Robert forgave Anna and figured out that he loved her. He tried not to hurt Bobbie and in fact he didn�t. During the time Bobbie with Stefan she found the person he was under neigh and fell in love with him. Tony took off for parts unknown. He hasn�t been seen sense. Bobbie has full custody of both BJ and Lucas. As for Carly and Jason, they are proud parents of twins a girl and boy, Victoria and Michael. Victor is a happy grandfather and husband. Alex took over as head of the hospital after Alan�s little stint with drugs. She now refuses to step down.

Chapter One

Sixteen-year-old Lucky Spencer ran down the spiral staircase and headed for the front door. �Hold it!� Mrs. Carlson yelled from the kitchen door. Lucky stopped in his tracks and turned around as she asked, �Where do you think you are going?�

�Out?� Lucky said smiling sheepishly.

�You are grounded, remember,� the maid reminded Lucky.

�I�m free today. My mouth is up,� Lucky said walking towards the door.

�Your parents didn�t tell me that,� Mrs. Carlson said not buying this from Lucky. She has been around the boy long enough not to believe everything he said to her.
Lucky sigh and turned around. �They forgot. You can call them but today is my day of freedom,� Lucky said pleading with the woman. He had been in this penthouse for a mouth now and he was sick of it. One little speeding ticket and his go ape on him! He needed freedom!

�I�ll call them but you say put,� Mrs. Carlson said and she left to make the call. Lucky sat down on the couch and waited for her to return. He knew he could go because he had the date written on every calendar in the house. He wasn�t going to forget it. When Mrs. Carlson came back she looked at Lucky and said, �Ok, your mother says you are free to go but if you get one speeding ticket. She told me to tell you that, your hide his hers for life!�

�Yeah, I know,� Lucky said and he bolted from the penthouse. Mrs. Carlson shook her head and muttered as she went back to work. �That boy is as bad as his father.�


Leslie Lu sat on her horse as the instructor went over the instructions on jumping one more time. �Now, remember the judges look not only on how the horse is jumping but how you are riding. So, no slumping over. Sit up!� the man said and tapped her on the back.

�Yes, sir,� Lu said and she sat up a little straighter. She glanced over and smiled at her grandfather. Mikkos was watching the lesson making sure no harm came to his granddaughter. This love for jumping horses came about when he took Lu to Europe last summer for a few days. She watched the ladies jump all their horses and she wanted to try it. Luke and Laura weren�t happy with the lessons but as long as Mikkos promised no harm would come to her they were going to allow it. The only problem was if something happened to Lu, Luke might never forgive Mikkos!


Across town, Bobbie and Monica in Bobbie�s sitting room drinking coffee and chatting. �How�s things going for you?� Monica asked her friend as she sipped on her coffee.

�Not bad, I only have a few complaints,� Bobbie said smiling.

�Mikkos?� Monica said smiling as she read her friend�s mind.

�How did you guess? I don�t know what gets me more about that man.  How he acts when you pointed out his flaws or how he tries to buy the children�s love,� Bobbie said feeling very frustrated about all of this.

�I heard. Emily talks about all the gifts Lucky, Lucas and BJ get from Mikkos. She talks about the credit cards and flashy toys that he gives them.

�Don�t remind me. BJ refuses to listen to a word that I say about her spending habits. She just shops whenever she wants. Mikkos of course picks up the tab. Stefan and I have fought for hours with Mikkos about this but Mikkos refuses to listen to a word we say. He buys Lucas all kinds of electronic games and toys. If Lucas wants it, all he has to do is call and it will be there with in the hour,� Bobbie said.

As if on cue, BJ came down stairs with her dressed and ready for the lake. �Mom, Lucky just called. He�s coming by and picking me up. We�re going to take the boat out for a spin,� BJ said.

Bobbie tried not to show her dislike about Lucky coming over. It wasn�t her nephew that she was having problem with but his driving. He already had three speeding tickets the last two mouths and he had the car just as long. �Don�t forget you promised Ruby that you work this evening,� Bobbie reminded her daughter.

�I know. I�ll be there,� BJ said and she walked away swing her bag back and forth.
Monica winced and said, �A mouth already.�

�Yeah, I knew it was coming up,� Bobbie said feeling very frustrated.

�I guess Emily will be joining them,� Monica said wishing that she could forbid Emily for spending time with Lucky in a car but how do you do that? How do you protect your daughter and not insult a very sweet kid all in the same time.

�Yeah, I guess,� Bobbie said having the same trouble as Monica was. She loved Lucky and he was great kid. He just drove like Luke with a flashy car to boot.
Monica looked at Bobbie and asked, �What does Luke and Laura think of the car?�

�Luke wants to shove it off a cliff and Laura wants to put it up for sale!� Bobbie said smiling.

�I don�t blame them,� Monica said. Edward might stick his noise in how they raise Emily sometimes but at least he is knows not to buy her everything she ever dreams of.


Lucky, BJ, and Emily headed to pick up Josh before heading to the docks. �How did you get out without a lecture?� Lucky asked his cousin.

�I waited until her and Monica were talking. Mom never lectures in front of her guests. I figured I�ll get that when I get home,� BJ said smiling.

�Not if he keeps his speed down,� Emily said hitting Lucky�s arm as she noticed that he was going a little bit over the speed limit.

�Ok! OK! It was a little dumb getting in a drag race with the older kids on the hill,� Lucky said smiling. He wished people would forget his little stunt but it looks like it was going to stick with him for a long time to come. 

�A little! Lucky, if you do that again your father is going to string you up by your thumbs!� Emily said thinking about how mad Luke was when he arrived at the police station to pick them up.

�Good point,� Lucky said wincing about all the trouble he got into over that stunt.
In the backseat, BJ said, �How about we forget about that night and work on today.�
�Deal,� Lucky said and he headed to pick up Josh.


Luke was working in his office at the club when his phone rang. �It�s your dime!� Luke snapped as he picked up the phone. �Angel! How are things going for my favorite corporate exec? What? Already! Yeah, I�ll put a tail on the kid. Yes, I know. I�ll take make sure nothing happens to him,� Luke said and he hung up the phone.

Sonny had been sitting across from Luke going over the books. He smiled as Luke hung up the phone. �Lucky is back on the road!� Sonny said smiling.

�Afraid so. I�m hoping he learned from his last mistake,� Luke said. Ever since Mikkos bought Lucky that damn car Luke hadn�t slept a wink. Every time he tried Luke dreamed that Lucky wrapped it around a light pole. If that does happen, Luke is going to wrap something around Mikkos neck and it sure as hell isn�t going to be one of his ties!

�He will. Lucky�s a good kid,� Sonny reminded Luke.

�That�s not the problem. Mikkos has gone over board lately. He gives the kids everything they dream about. Lucky that car and those damn flying lessons. Nikolas and Zander both planes so they can fly in any time they want. Lu gets one more doll and we are going to have to rent her a place to put them in! Lucky got his own music studio on Spook Island. Then there are the riding lessons for Lu and of course all the money he gives them. Lucky is a kid that has a track record for gambling. If he gets in one poker game I�ll kill that old man!� Luke yelled and he got up to pace the room.

�Easy Luke. Lucky isn�t going to get into a poker game. He gets ill just thinking about it. You know that,� Sonny said watching as Luke paced the room.

�Sonny, what about this other stuff? What do I do? He gives them everything. Boats, cars, jet skies!� Luke said running off the list of things Mikkos given Lucky just over the past few mouths.

�I know it has to be maddening. I�m glad our kid isn�t born yet. Alexis and I are dreading just dealing with Mikkos over all this ourselves. She even tried to talk to him about it. He refuses to listen but she did figured out why he does it,� Sonny said.

�Tell me,� Luke said. He had no idea why he was doing it. Luke just wished Mikkos would quit it!

�Alexis says its out quilt. He couldn�t do anything for Stefan, Alexis and you so he over does it with grandchildren!� Sonny said smiling.

�Over doing it is right! My only blessing is that Lucky doesn�t have BJ�s mouth! He knows at least how far to push all of this that girl doesn�t!� Luke said feeling very frustrated about all of this.

�I know and I pity Bobbie and Stefan but think of this way. Tony skipping town really hurt her. She is just acting out because of it,� Sonny said.

�Yeah, I know. I get all that,� Luke said and he dropped back into his chair to think.

�I just wish Mikkos would say out of it!�


Alexis sat at her desk trying to read a contract but every time she moved closer to the light she got kicked. Alexis looked down at the baby in her stomach and said, �I�ll make you a deal. Give me an hour to read this and then we can take our nap. What do you say?� The baby kicked her again and it felt like she was settling down after that. Alexis smiled and slide forward just a bit and started to read the contract all over again.

She was almost done with it when the door opened and Anna walked in, �Hi.� Anna said smiling as she walked around the room looking for something.

�Hi, what brings the Commissioner of Police here?� Alexis asked putting down the contract.

�I left my purse here last night. Have you seen it?� Anna asked.

�That it?� Alexis asked pointing to the purse sitting near one of the library chairs.

�That�s it,� Anna said walking towards it and picking it up. �How�s things going with you?� Anna asked as she headed back towards Alexis.

�Fine for someone who feels like a beach wale!� Alexis said getting up and stretching.

�Don�t worry that feeling will go away in about mouth,� Anna said smiling. She knew that Alexis was done was do then and by that time. She didn�t think Alexis would even remember how she felt about being fat. She would have something else on her mind.

�Yeah, I know,� Alexis said patting her stomach.

�So, do you know what it is yet?� Anna asked.

�No, but I feel it is a girl. Sonny things it a boy. I think father cheated and found out what it because he keeps buying girl things for the baby,� Alexis said hoping that Mikkos hadn�t done that. She wanted to keep it a surprise until the baby was born.

�Knowing Mikkos he done just that,� Anna said shacking her head and smiling.

�How are you and Robert doing?� Alexis asked.

�Great. He is enjoying being partners with his brother in the PI business and we are finally getting over the past. I think we can finally make a life for ourselves,� Anna said smiling.

�That�s good,� Alexis said. �Oh, by the way. Zander and Nikolas are do to arrive today.�

�They are? They flying in?� Anna asked.

�Yeah, I think Zander is coming in alone. I�m sure Robin will be wanting to spend sometime with her cousin,� Alexis said.

�Yeah, I�m sure she will. I have to go. I�ll see you later,� Anna said and she took off then.

Alexis looked down at her stomach and said, �Now, why do I get the feeling I hit a nerve with her?� The baby replied by kicking Alexis in the stomach. �Yeah, I did!� Alexis said and she went to lie day for her nap.


Lucky and Josh were running the jet skis around the boat as the girls laid on its deck and sun bathed. �Hey!� Lucky yelled from the water as he turned his jet ski just enough to splash his friends.

�What!� BJ snapped looking up in annoyance at her cousin.

�Zander�s coming in!� Lucky said pointing the plane flying over head of them.

�How do you know it is Zander?� Josh asked.

�The direction he came in from besides that�s Nikolas. He is coming in with one of the jets,� Lucky said pointing the other plane coming in from the other direction.

�It looks like there are racing,� Emily said.

�Nah, Sam would kill them both of they raced in like that. Nikolas jet is just faster but Zander�s going to land first. See, Nikolas is turning the jet to circle the air field until Zander has landed,� Lucky said just as Nikolas plane turned towards the city.

�So, when are you taking us up in one of the planes?� Josh asked Lucky smiling.

�We can go up anytime we want but I�ll not be flying. Sam will not allow me to have anyone in the plane for a while yet. Besides, Sam�s upset with my stunt as the others are. He grounded me for two mouths from the air. He thinks if I raced in a car. I�ll do the same thing in a plane,� Lucky said hating the fact that his stunt cost him a lot off his freedoms. Some he never counted on loosing.

Everyone laughed at this and they went back to what they were doing. Lucky and Josh got board a little later and climbed back a board the boat. The group sat down eating the lunch the Quartermaine�s cook made for them. Suddenly Lucky�s cell phone rang and he answered it. �What�s up?� Lucky said.

�Hey, cousin! How�s things going?� Zander said.

�Where are you?� Lucky asked.

�By the boats! Where�s your keys?� Zander asked.

�To what?� Lucky asked.

�To your boat. You took out the big one and left yours here. Now, where are they?� Zander asked.

Lucky laughed and he could see Nikolas and Zander now looking for his keys
everywhere in the boathouse. �Ah, Lu arrive yet?� Lucky asked.

�What does she have to do with this?� Zander snapped.

�She has them. She took them from me this morning to keep me from going out without her. I took the big boat out and Grandfather is bringing her out later. Now, if she isn�t there yet. Wait for about ten minutes and she should be. You can bring her out along with Gia and Robin,� Lucky said laughing.

�How did you know?� Zander asked looking around for Lucky to pop out at him and say boo.

�I hear Robin and Gia fighting on the line and Nikolas is trying to play ref. Besides, the only time you sound this frustrated is when the girls are driving you crazy,� Lucky said and he hung up on Zander.

Zander looked at Nikolas and said, �Your little sister has the keys.�

�Great,� Nikolas and he walked over to where Zander sat down on the dock to wait as Robin and Gia went at it. Neither of them knew why they were fighting. They were just fighting!


Carly sat at her desk at General Hospital looking over the latest profit reports. �Not bad and our approval rating is up as well,� Carly said smiling.

�Mommy, Michael pulled my hair!� Victoria cried as she came from the playroom and ran to her mother.

�She bit me!� Michael yelled running in behind his sister.

Carly smiled. �Ok, you two that�s it. Sit down and time out,� Carly said and she pointed to two small chairs sitting near the wall.

�But!� came too small replies.

�Now!� Carly said pointing.

�Your fault!� Michael and Victoria said blaming the other one for this trouble.
Carly hid her laughter as her kids went to sit down. The door opened then and in walked Stefan. �Hi,� Stefan said looking over at two sad faces. �Get in trouble he asked them.�

�He did it!�

�No she did!�

Carly looked at them and the kids quitted up. �How�s things going?� Carly asked Stefan.

�Fine on my end. How about you?� Stefan asked as he sat down in the chair across from Carly. Carly smiled and placed the reports she was looking at in front of Stefan.

�As you see things are great. Alex has managed to turn the mess Alan made of hospital around. The staff she hired is top of the line and all the dead weight is gone,� Carly said smiling.

�Not bad and not one complaint from the unions that I like even more. Keep up the good work,� Stefan said handing Carly the report back.

�Thanks. How�s things with the family?� Carly asked.

�Ok, BJ blames me for Tony not talking to her. I was hoping you could talk to her and maybe help her understand this a bit?� Stefan begged.

�Sure, I�ll try,� Carly said.

�Thanks. Oh, and before I forget. Your mother wants to see her grandchildren. You don�t mind coming over tonight for dinner?� Stefan asked.

�Not a problem,� Carly said.

�Good,� Stefan said and he left.

Chapter 2
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