Chapter 30

Monday, the day everyone was going back to work after the Thanksgiving holiday. Everyone but family and friends of Amy! Monday was the day they were going to pay their respects to her.

It was seven thirty in the morning and the Spencer family was already at the funeral home. Luke and Alan had down must of the planning with a little help from Mrs. Carlson and Mrs. Landsbury. Laura just wasn�t able to deal with all the details. She spent the weekend looking over the past and trying to make sense of her sister�s death.

Luke stood in the shadows watching Laura run a finger over Amy�s coffin. �You would proud of Luke,� Luke heard Laura say. �He did a good job picking this out. I think would like it,� Laura said her voice breaking as tears threatened to fall once again.

�Angel?� Luke said sadly as he walked out of the shadows.

�Yes,� Laura said in a weak sounding voice.

�The director is going to open the doors soon. I just thought you would want to get something to eat before people start coming in,� Luke said as he raised a hand to touch her on the shoulder.

�I�m not hungry,� Laura said and she pulled away before he could touch her. Luke shook his head and wondered what he was going to do. His family falling a part right before his eye! Laura wasn�t eating and all she did was cry and look through old pictures of her and Amy. Lu didn�t sleep and it took a lot beginning to get her to eat. The drawings were getting dark and very disturbing to as well. Then there was Lucky? Lucky locked down and hardly said a word to anyone. He just stood around with hard look on his face. Normally, Lucky would talk to him about how he was feeling but he hadn�t said a word this time. This concerned Luke and he had no idea how to help his son. So, he stood by watching as the people he cared about hurt.


Laura and the kids weren�t the only ones in the Cassadine family that was hurting. Carly was lying on her side in her private room feeling sorry for her. Nothing Jason could say to her could change how she was feeling about the loose of her unborn child. The TV was on but Carly wasn�t listening to it. It was on the local morning news channel. A woman was talking and it wasn�t until she said Victor�s name that it caught Carly�s attention.

Carly sat up turned the sound up and listened. �My son wasn�t a killer. He was doctor. He saved lives. He didn�t take them. I don�t care what the local police department is saying. My son murdered and it was Victor Cassadine that killed him. He should be put the death not praised as some kind of savior of the city. I�m happy that the DA isn�t on his bandwagon. I just hope he raises the chargers to murder then manslater,� the woman said coldly.

Carly couldn�t believe what she heard. �He wasn�t a killer? He was doctor?� Carly said coldly as she watched Dorman�s mother praise her son. �He was a killer. He loved killing.� The longer Carly listened to the woman talk the madder she got.  Carly started to think about things and how she reacted to them. Her whole life she was taught that she had two choices. One sit around a fell sorry for yourself and the other do something about it. Carly was told Cassadines never sat around and felt sorry for themselves. They did something! Her father did something. He saved her life. She was here to day because he fought for her. Now, she might have lost a child but then there was hope she could carrying other child. It wasn�t like this was the first child she lost. She lost another one but in different way. So, Carly understood that her choices made her life.

�It is time to show them, who you are!� Carly said as threw back the covers and started to get out of bed.

A nurse came in and looked in shock at Carly standing. �Mrs. Morgan?�

Carly looked up at the woman and said, �Go get my doctor tell him I want out of here today!� Carly ordered. The nurse turned around and left the room. Carly went to the closet to get dressed.

Jason walked in as Carly laid her dress on the bed. �What are you doing?� he demanded.

�I�m going to my father�s trial. I�m going to tell the judge what happened that day,� Carly said as she went back for her makeup bag.

�Carly, you don�t need to do this,� Jason said walking towards her.

�Don�t tell me what I need to do,� Carly snapped. Jason backed up looking hurt. He was about to leave but Carly reached for him and said in more loving voice. �I�m sorry. I�m not mad at you. I�m madder at myself. Jason, I have been letting man run my life. I went to kill him to get that life back. I realized killing Dorman wasn�t going to do that but talking for my father would. Jason, I�m Victor Cassadine�s daughter. I don�t lay around and say poor me. He taught me better then that. Now, I�m going to his hearing. I�m going to tell that judge what Dorman did to me. Not for myself! Not for all the women Dorman killed but for my father. The man that loved me and raised me,� Carly said and she grabbed her make up bag and went to the bathroom to get ready. Jason stood there smiling. He missed his wife. He missed little hot head that managed to win his heart a long time ago. It was about time she showed up again.


Lucky stood outside watching as the press gathered around for the kill. �They don�t give up,� Lucky muttered coldly.

�No, they don�t,� Nikolas, said as he and Gia walked up behind him.

�Today, I wish they would go away,� Lucky said noticing that all the Big three were there this day.

�I know,� Nikolas said and he put his hand on his brother�s shoulder. �You are going to start a stamped if you don�t go inside.�

Lucky let out breath of frustration and went back inside. �How is Laura?� Gia asked him.

�She is upset. I know Dad is worried about her,� Lucky said sadly.

�I heard he was worried about you as well?� Nikolas said giving his little brother a hard look.

�I know but I�m fine. I�m used to seeing people dead. I grew up running from the mob. I seen lost of dead bodies,� Lucky said coldly and he walked away. Gia and Nikolas looked at each other and they knew he was lying. They saw it his eyes and heard it in his voice.

�Let�s go find mom,� Nikolas said decided to let his brother alone for while. He knew Lucky would talk when Lucky was ready to talk. Gia nodded her head and grabbed Nikolas hand and went to find Laura.


BJ and Josh drove to the funeral together. BJ sat in the passenger seat thinking about what she was going to say to Josh about her problem. She thought about how he was going to react as they drove�

�Josh, can you pull over for a second,� BJ asked him.

�Sure,� Josh said as he pulled his car over to the side of the road. �What�s up?� Josh asked as he looked at BJ.

�Ah, here,� BJ said pulling pregnancy test and handing it to him.

Josh looked at it then looked at her. �This for you?� He asked.

�Yeah, it is ours,� BJ said looking down at her lap.

�No, it is yours,� Josh corrected.

�But?� BJ said and he got out of her car and started to walk. �Later babe.� He said smiling then he vanished.
�No,� BJ said suddenly coming around.

�BJ, you ok?� Josh asked still driving the car and still had no idea he was about to be a father.

�Yeah, I�m fine. I�m just thinking about Amy,� BJ lied. She couldn�t tell him. He wanted a to be a doctor. He had his whole life ahead of him. She would deal with this herself on her own. She didn�t need to worry him. BJ patted her purse and kept her secret hidden.


Nikolas and Gia found Laura exactly where Luke had left her. Standing watch over her sister! �Mom?� Nikolas said as he walked up to his mother.

�Hi, Nikolas,� Laura said in a lifeless voice as she gave Nikolas kiss on the cheek.

�How you feeling?� Nikolas asked with look on his face.

�I�m ok,� Laura said turning back to looking at Amy.

Gia thought about something and decided that now was the time to tell Laura what her and Nikolas talked about the night before. �Laura,� Gia said smiling a slight smile at her future mother in-law. Laura turned and just looked at Gia. Gia paused for a moment then said, �Nikolas and I did some talking last night. We decided that it would be nice to name our daughter after Amy. So, we are going to name her Lasha Amy Cassadine.�

Laura smiled for the first time since she heard of her sister�s death. �Marie.� Laura correct.

�What?� Gia asked puzzled.

Laura looked down at Amy and said, �Forgive me.� Then she looked at her son and Gia and said, �Amy�s middle name was Marie. She hated it. I would pick on her calling her that from time to time. Marie sounds better then Amy.�

Gia smiled and she did like the sound of Lasha Marie. �I like that.�

�So, do I and thank you,� Laura said giving Gia a hung. The baby kicked at that moment and Laura smiled even more. �I think she likes it as well.�

�Let�s just hope the doctor isn�t wrong and it isn�t a boy,� Nikolas laughed. Everyone laughed as well and Laura told them a story about Amy and her when they were kids.


Later on near lunchtime, Luke was in the back with Robert and the other men trying to Lu to eat. He wasn�t to well at that moment. Laura was alone greeting the Amy�s visitors listing to their stories about her sister. That is when Scott showed up with his loving family! They waited in line for their turn to see Laura. When Laura saw Scott her blood ran cold. �I thought you would be getting for the hearing today,� Laura said.

�It is just a bail hearing,� Scott said in a calm voice.

�You really think you can get away with this,� Laura said coldly.

�Laura, I�m near here as the DA. I�m here as a friend of the family,� Scott pleaded.

Laura sighed and looked down at her sister. �For her, I�ll let this go for now,� Laura said then she looked at the woman next to Scott.

Scott smiled and said, �This is my wife Holly and our children, Lance and of course you met Serna.�

�Hello,� Laura said extending her hand to Holly.

�Nice to meet you. I heard a lot you,� Holly said smiling.

Laura didn�t reply then looked at the line behind Scott. Scott got the hint and said, �We better go.�

�Yes, you better,� Laura, said and Scott and family left.

Outside the kids were head of Holly and Scott. Holly looked at Scott and said, �For someone who doesn�t want Luke to know I�m around just yet. You took a really big chance in taking us all there.�

Scott smiled and said, �That is why I made that call earlier. I know the director of the funeral home. He told me where Luke and Robert were at that moment.�

�There are others that know who I am as well. Anyone of them could have spotted me,� Holly said smiling smugly.

Scott glared at her and said, �Don�t think they will save you from all of this. Once Luke and Robert find out what kind of person you turned out to be. They wouldn�t life a finger to save you,� Scott warned her.

Holly smiled at him and said, �I don�t expect Luke or Robert to save me from anything. I made my choices a long time ago. I know what I�m into and what the cost will be when it blows up in our faces. Which I know it will because I know the men you are going after. You aren�t man enough to deal with either of them.� Holly then walked head picked Serna up in her arms and went back to the loving stepmother roll she was in when she got off the plane. Holly could careless what happened to her or Scott. The only two people she cared about were Lance and Serena. She was hoping she could manage to get them out of this before things fell a part all around them.

Chapter 31
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