Chapter 26

Josh, Jason, Nikolas, and Zander had been out side the cars when Lu�s screams drifted down to them. �Lets move,� Zander said pulling the gun he always carried since he turned twenty-one towards the building.

�Carly, you and the girls stay put!� Jason ordered pointing at his wife as he took off with the others to the building.

The foursome took the stairs two at a time. They made it to Amy�s floor to find it full of Amy�s neighbors. It took them a bit to shove through the crowed to get to Lucky and Lu. Lucky was in the hall way walking back and forth trying to get Lu to calm down. She was still screaming and crying about her aunt. �What�s going on?� Nikolas asked wondering what had upset his sister.

�Aunt Amy has been murdered,� Lucky said looking pale.

Zander groaned and pulled out his cell phone. Something told him that this had to do with the killer that has been stalking the women of this town. He knew he needed to call Victor. Victor was laying in a chair at Bobbie�s ignoring Luke�s comments about his taste in woman. Victor cell phone rang and he pulled it out of his coat pocket and said, �Yeah?�

�Victor, we have trouble,� Zander said and he told Victor what had just happened.

�Damn it!� Victor snapped sitting up and glaring in Robert�s direction, who at this moment was talking to Sonny about the coffee business. �I�ll be right there. You keep Lucky and Lu close to you.�

�Yes, sir,� Zander said and he hung up the phone.

Luke looked at Victor and asked, �What�s going on?�

Victor looked for Laura and when he was sure that she wasn�t around he said, �Amy is dead.�

�What!� Luke said shocked to hear this.

Victor ignored Luke at this moment. He went to Robert grabbed the man�s arm and turned him to face him. �You and your bleeding heart! You told me your brother would keep an eye on that bastard but it looks like Mac screwed up! Amy is dead!�

�What?� Robert said shocked to hear this.

�Yeah, and now I�m taking care of the creep by the time I�m done with him there will be nothing to find!� Victor said and he went to get his coat. As he walked past Luke he said, �Go get your wife. The kids walked in on the whole mess!� Mikkos groaned and him and the others quickly went to get their coats to head to Amy�s place.


By the time the others arrived at Amy�s it was like a war zone. Police cars and other official cars where everywhere. The family�s cars were parked in the parking lot but there was no sign of anyone. Victor, Luke and Mikkos were in the lead as the group moved towards the building. �You can�t go in there,� the cop said suddenly blocking their path.

�My kids are in there,� Luke said.

The cop was about to say something but Lt. Garcia showed up and said, �It is ok. They can pass.�

The cop nodded his head and moved aside to let the group go by him. �Where are my kids,� Laura asked. She had been crying. She wanted to cry more for the loose of her sister but at this moment she was thinking of her children. They were the only ones keeping her together at this very moment in time.

�In the managers office. Lu is really upset. The commissioner has ordered that no one is to talk to her or Lucky,� Garcia said.

�They didn�t see it all?� Luke asked Garcia.

�Yeah, they walked into the room,� Garcia said sadly. Luke looked sick as he grabbed Laura�s hand and kissed her fingers.

Luke and the others walked into the manager�s office to find the others standing around waiting. Lucky was pacing rocking Lu in his arms as she cried. Lu took one look at her parents and held out her arms to them. �Mommy! Daddy!�

�It is ok, baby,� Laura said taking her daughter into her arms and holding her tight.

Luke let Laura take care of Lu. He walked to his son and asked, �Why didn�t you keep her out?�

�I told her to stay out but she went with me. Dad, you don�t know what he did to her. I have never seen that much blood before,� Lucky said looking sick.

Luke realized that Lu wasn�t the only one this upset. It had gotten to Lucky as well. Luke pulled his son to him and said, �It is ok!�

Victor was outside standing by the door. He was stood there and watched as Amy�s body was brought down in a body bag. Robert saw it to and he shook his head. Victor glared at him and said, �Her blood is on your hands.�

�We don�t have enough proof that he did this,� Robert snapped. He was worried. He had been trying to call Mac since he found out about Amy and nothing. Robert was starting to worry that something had happened to his brother. If that was true then not only was Amy�s blood on his hands but his brothers as well.

�Have enough proof for what?� Taggert asked walking up the two men.

Victor turned away and pointed to Robert. �Ask the Super Agent over there!�

Taggert was puzzled and glanced at Robert. �Well?� Taggert asked.

Robert sighed and said, �I got asked by the FBI to look into the murders. Mac and I already got approached by one of the murdered women�s husbands to check in on this for him. I found out that Victor over here was working on the case. So, together the three of us started trying to piece together who could have done this. I used some old connections and Victor used his and we found out that a Dr. Dorman was in all the towns that all the murders were committed. We had no way of proving he was the guy so we have been tailing him.�

�Yeah, and Mac lost him!� Victor snapped.

�I can�t find Mac!� Robert yelled. �This creep could have killed him alright!� Robert yelled and he shoved Victor against the doorframe.

Taggert fought to break the two up and as he did so he missed Carly sneaking past them. She had heard everything. She now had a name and she was going to put an end to all of this once and for all! �Knock it off both of you,� Taggert yelled. �Robert, why didn�t tell me this?�

�I was told no to. The killer has gotten away to many times. This is his third state over the last five years. The FBI was hoping if two independent groups worked on the case then something might come out of it,� Robert said sadly.

�That is why they ignored me,� Taggert said coldly.

�They weren�t ignoring you. They just didn�t tell you that they asked me to look into things. I�m sorry,� Robert said sadly. Robert walked away then. He had to go find Mac. There was nothing he could do for Amy any more but he could find his brother and hopefully he was going to be alive.

Jason walked out the door right then and asked, �Victor, have you seen Carly?�

�She isn�t with you?� Victor asked puzzled.

�No, she was heading to talk to you but she isn�t around,� Jason said puzzled.

Victor turned white. �No,� he said realizing that his daughter had heard them talking about Dorman.

�What?� Jason asked getting worried.

�She knows the killers name,� Victor said as she headed towards the door. Victor stood outside and noticed his car was gone. Carly would know that he always carried a gun in a secret part of the glove compartment. �Damn it!� Victor cursed.

�Where is she?� Jason asked.

�She took my care. Come on! Lets see if we can stop her,� Victor said as he went to one of the other family members cars. Taggert was close behind the pair. He had been in the dark to long on this case. It was about time he got more involved.


Mac was freezing with one killer of a headache. He laid on the slab trying to figure out how to get out of his predicament. Mac hands were moving up and down the walls when his arm brushed against his coat pocket. Mac felt his cell phone. Mac pulled it out and prayed as he tried to get his fingers to work as he pushed on the buttons. �Please be fully charged and have power to get out!� Mac went through his list of numbers until he got to the one person he knew would help. Mac put the phone to his ear and prayed.

�Mac!� Robert�s voice echoed in Mac�s frozen prison.

�Help,� Mac said stammering.

�Where are you?� Robert asked.

Mac looked around the dark confined prison and guessed. �I think I�m in the morgue. Robert, hurry there isn�t much air left and I�m freezing to death!�

�I�m on my way,� Robert said as he floored it to race to the hospital.


Carly was angry. She was upset that her father knew who attacked her and he didn�t anything about it. �Well, I�m going to do something about it!� Carly promised as she drove her father�s car towards Dr. Dorman�s house. She had called the hospital and gotten his address from one of the nurses on duty.

Carly was running her finger over the gun as she thought about Dorman. She remembered him holding down promising that she would be dead. Now to find out he worked at the hospital, hell she was hired him. He wasn�t going to get away with all these girls. He wasn�t going to do this again! Carly promised her self as she drove on.


�Victor, slow down,� Jason begged as he held on to the car door as Victor took the hairpin turn without using any breaks.

�Don�t understand, Jason. Carly is going to face this killer. She thinks she can take him but what if she can�t. What if finisher off?� Victor asked fearing that he was about to loose his only daughter. Carly is supposed to out live him. Why didn�t I just kill the guy? Victor wondered as he drove on down the road.

Taggert and Jason both looked at Victor with fear in there eyes. They were just hoping they would get to Dorman�s in one piece!


Carly walked Dorman�s front door with the gun behind her back. She single-mindedly raised her hand and rang the doorbell. It didn�t take Dorman long to answer the door. �Mrs. Morgan, what are you doing here?� Dorman asked.

Carly pulled the gun out and smiled at him, �I have payment for what you did to me!�

Most people would be scared but not Dorman. He just smiled coldly at Carly and said, �I not surprised that you found out. In fact, I�m happy you did. You coming here saves me from going after you,� Dorman grabbed the gun and it went off. The bullet hit him in the side but it wasn�t enough to stop him. He pulled a startled Carly towards him and said, �You are going to pay for this!� Dorman pulled Carly into his house and closed the door behind him.


Robert made it to the hospital and went directly to the morgue. The men were just about to start working on Amy at this time. The doctor looked at Robert and said, �What can I do for you?�

Robert looked around and saw the storage area. �I need see all the empty storage spaces.�

�Why?� the doctor asked.

�Because my brother is in there and he is alive or he was when he called me,� Robert said and he shoved the FBI badge in the guys face and walked into the storage area. Robert opened space after space looking for Mac. Robert found Mac in number 13.

Mac looked up at his brother and asked with teeth chattering, �What took you so long?�

�Traffic was bad,� Robert smiled and he helped brother to sit up.

Chapter 27
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