Learn About These Inventors!

    This is The Big homework assignment; you will reasearch an inventor! You will have to include these things in your report:when they were born,  when and where they died,  what they invented,  family information, where they live(d),and how their invention changed our lives. Good Luck!

Henry Ford - Assembly Line, model T
James Watt - Steam Engine
Alferd Nobel - TNT
Thomas Edison - Light Bulb
Elisha Otis - Elevator
Ben Franklin -Stove
Alexander Graham Bell - Telephone
Lazlo Biro - Ballpoint Pen
John Deere - Steel Plow
Whitcomb L. Judson - Zipper
The Wright Brothers - Airplane
Robert Fulton - Com. Steamship
Blaise Rascal - Adding Machine
George Eastman - Kodak Camera
Lee De Forest - Radio Vaccum Tube
Eli Whitney - Cotten Gin
Wilhelm Roentgem - X Ray Machine
Johannes Gutenberg - Moveable type printing
John Bardeen - Transister
Joseph Nicephore Niepre - Photography
Charles H. Towns -Lasers
Willis Carrier -Air Conditing
Howard Aiken -Lap Top
Nickolas Otto -Four Cycle Engine
Robert Goddard -Rocket Engine

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."  Thomas Alva Edison


Inventors' Links


Be An Inventor!

Mrs. Wieseman's Fifth Grade Class



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