Certified Academic Language Therapist

Alphabetic Phonics   Phoneme Awareness
Dyslexia - Learning Differences      Reading Comprehension
Do You Have A Smart Kid
Who Hates School?
Take this quiz (at left) to see if your child might benefit from Academic Language Therapy: 1. Is your child talented with arts, music, dance, drama or athletics?

2. Is he a master at interacting with people? Or is she frequently saying the wrong thing or shy or clumsy in her social skills?

Does he rarely read for fun?

4. When she reads aloud, is her reading jerky, hesitant, with missing words?

5. Does he do well on spelling tests, but then misspell the same words when writing a sentence?

Did you know that, as a  general rule, Texas schools wait until a student is 2 grades behind in reading before the school intervenes with testing and/or a special class?
Who Is Patty Price Smith?
Book Recommendations
When a person's brain works with different wiring  
- Understanding Dyslexia
- Understanding LD's
Scottish Rite (Diagnostic services)
International Dyslexia Association
National Center for Learning Disabilities
The Shelton School & Evaluation Center
The Hill School
Pictures of Patty's Students at work
Common Forms of LDs
Famed author Dav Pilkey is ADHD!
Assoc. for Children & Adults with LDs
Charles Schwab's LD site
LD info for kids
LD Resources for Parents & Kids
Contact:    Patty Price Smith, CALT
Email:       [email protected]
Address:    529 Oak Grove, Coppell, TX 75019
Download: "Dealing With Dyslexia" materials from Scottish Rite
Academic Language Therapy May Help!
Academic language therapy helps develop effective secondary language and written communication skills through proficiency in reading and writing.

Individualized programs of academic language therapy are designed to meet the needs of those with learning differences, specific dyslexia, disgraphia, developmental reading disorder, disorders of written language, and language learning disability as well as other related learning problems.

Academic language therapy offers a variety of specialized services including:

� Phonology and decoding skills
� Handwriting                                                                        
� Reading fluency and comprehension
� Composition
� Learning strategies and study skills
� Spelling
(Phonology refers to sound awareness in oral language and sound-letter relationships in written language.  Decoding is the ability to use the phonetic code of written language to read just as one learns the Morse code, for example, to read and send Morse messages.)
When is an Academic Language Therapist needed? What is a CALT?
Certified Academic Language Therapists (CALTs) are qualified to treat children and adults diagnosed with written-language learning problems.  CALTs hold baccalaureate degrees or higher and have completed extensive post-graduate education and practica in the theories and methods of remedial written-language treatment as well in the use of multisensory, structured, phonetic, language-based curricula.
People who have difficulty learning to read and write despite having normal and even exceptional intelligence and sufficient opportunity to learn may benefit from academic language therapy.   Academic language therapy is offered in public, private and parochial schools, in clinical settings and in private individual therapy settings.
Albert Einstein  �  Winston Churchill  �  Thomas Edison
Hans Christian Anderson  �  Leonardo da Vinci  �  August� Rodin
Learning Differences ...
NOT Learning Disabilities

They used their gifts.  Will you learn to use yours?
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