

This lesson will mimic the movements of a white crane as it lifts its wings (the elbows) to do battle with a snake.

head1 WARM UP

Warm up with swinging, side to side circling and walking.

T stance
Last week we introduced a new stance. The T stance has one foot turned 90 degrees to the other foot while lifting hands and executing the shoulder strike.

Review a T stance by doing lifting hands on both sides.

Then do a shoulder strike on both sides.

White Crane
This lesson will mimic the movements of a white crane as it lifts its wings (the elbows) to do battle with a snake. Do free form 5 star stepping using the brush knee.


Review The Opening , The Beginning , Ward Off Left , Ward Off Right . Roll Back , Press , Push , Single Whip , Lifting Hands and Shoulder Strike .

White Crane spreads its wings
From a shoulder strike position begin raising the right elbow while shifting the weight entirely to the right foot. The left palm will brush knee across the left knee as it moves forward.

The right palm will begin to circle counter clockwise (towards the front of the body) and the left palm follows with a clockwise circle in a flurry of elbow movements. The right palm makes a complete circle. The left palm makes a half circle and comes to rest at the right hip.

Brush Knee and Twist Step
Step out with the right foot and execute a brush left knee movement. That is followed by a twisting foot and the right elbow coming forward until the shoulders are squared.

Then the right hand strikes like a cranes beak. The right knee will come forward and meet the left knee to give maximum extension to the spearing strike.

Playing Guitar
The end of this movement will retreat back to a T stance and form a playing guitar position with the right palm facing the left elbow. The entire weight will be back on the right foot.

Repeat the White Crane spreads its wings and B until the shoulders are squared.


Warm down with circling with brush knee.

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