Matthew Porretta \
Robin Hood

Last Update 03/21/07
12 wonderful links listed below
Welcome to my Links Page
Just click on the bulls eyes to the left to follow the links. I would love to add to this site. If you find any interesting links tied into Matthew Porretta or Robin Hood. Please let me know.
The newest links are found at the bottom of the page




Sandy's Matthew Porretta Mania
Sandy's site has grown by leaps and bounds. Along with her many galleries of shots taken from the Robin Hood series. She also has shots taken from Wings, Beverly Hills 90210, Robin Hood Men in Tights, and Dracula Dead and Loving it. As well as pictures of Matthew in Les Misérables, and Passion Such a favorite of Sandy that her nickname is Countess Ludovic! A unique part of Sandy's web page is that she has sound bites on her site. Interviews of Matthew, Will Scarlett O'Hara. and some tasty lines from our favorite bad boy  JACOBI! Sandy is also the hub of the Matthew Porretta Web Ring.  This is the second largest site on the web that is totally dedicated to  Matthew Porretta's career. This site as well as Lisa's  just keep getting better and better.
Matthew Porretta Heaven
Anika's has done a wonderful job with this site. She has a great forum for all to join in and talk about what Matthew is doing lately. She even has a photo gallery and videos!! A must site to visit for all Matthew Porretta fans.
Jacat's The New Adventures of Robin Hood Web Page
 This is Janice's wonderful site. It is totally dedicated to the Series, The New Adventures of Robin Hood. It has all three seasons of the series. Also information on all the actors. Along with a very intense Links page for Matthew, and  Robin Hood links. This site is also a sight to behold. A must see for any followers of the series..
Lady Outlaw's Robin Hood website. Here you'll find anything and everything you want to know about Robin Hood. Whether by small or large screen.
Star Seekers Web Page on Matthew Porretta
 This is Star Seekers page on Matthew Porretta. A site that lists his bio.
Project Robin Hood
 This site is a great site for any fan of the Robin Hood legend. You can find many things listed here. There are bibliographies of the Legend of Robin Hood. Even a page of the original ballads sung so long ago. If you want to learn more about the legend, then go to this page.
Scarlet Inside
 This is a wonderful site that shows all the Will Scarlets portrayed throughout the Tele and silver screen. The web master is Alison Carter. Her main page is dedicated to my second favorite Will Scarlet, Ray Winstone. He gave Will his own style in the English series- Robin of Sherwood. Alison has many facts on the elusive character, Will Scarlet, or Scatlock. Sometimes he was even confused with Alan A'Dales character. Please visit her web site, its nicely done and you get to say  you visited England. Alison is from across the big pond.
God of The Moment 
This is a site that lists Karen's Ideal of a sex god. And guess who's on that page? MATTHEW!! Yeppers, of course she has a scrumptious pic of him. She also lauds his acting ability. We, of course all know what a marvelous actor he is. Karen just confirms it.
Sherwood Forest 
This is a unique site, in that it is bi-lingual. Letty is from Mexico. Her site is in english and Spanish. A true follower of Robin Hood, she crafted her site with love and devotion for the Legend. 
Tommy Girls Matthew Porretta Web Site 
This is Tommy Girl's first try at a web Site. I have to say, EXCELLENT job tommy girl. She has a bio, links site and great pictures of Matthew. My Favorite, is the almost kissing pictures. WOW
Mel Brooks Robin Hood: Men in Tights 
This is a great site that has pictures, and sound bites with Matthew Porretta as our second favorite outlaw, Will Scarlet O'Hara
StarShine Musicals 
You will find on this site, an original musical of the legend of Robin Hood. To visit the Robin Hood site, when you go to this site, click All Year Round Musicals. Here you will find information on this unique Musical.

Found a site with Matthew?

Or want to add your URL to my links page?
Please let me know, the more the merrier. 

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 Background Music, "Master of The House" from Les Misérables

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