Soccer Lesson Plan 1
NAME: D. Soler, L. Martin.                           SCHOOL: Martin Soler Middle School                          DATE: April 12, 2001


Soccer/ History, definitions/terminology, rules, equiipment, safety, foot position
                             stance, passing

TIME: 90 minutes

(a) 1 soccer ball per student
(b) 1 soccer handout per student:
Glossary, Rules, History
(c) 2 passing
checklist forms per student (one for the student, the other for the teacher)
(d) 1 soccer scorecard per pair of students
(e) whistle
(f) CD player or cassette player
(g) music CD or cassette
(h) 20
fitness tic-tac-toe cards
(i) Tokens for tic-tac-toe cards
(j) 1 pencil per student
(j) mats, cones, and dots (to create target for passing on field outside or in gymnasium if raining)
(k) soccer field
(l) 1 passing log-sheet per student

STANDARDS: 1    BENCHMARK: Teacher, self and peer checklist evaluating passing skill performance

(a)  Check all equipment before lesson begins
(b)  Have different style soccer balls for students
(c)  Pick up all balls and cones after the lesson
(d)  Warn students about soccer balls rolling in their path
(e)  Check playing field for any uneven surfaces and have them filled in before class begins
(f)  Be sure students are not kicking the balls near/towards any roadways
5 Min
In Locker Room
10 Min
Fitness Warm Up
Students scattered around gymnasium
- Have music playing before students come in from locker room.
  - As students come in from the locker room, they will pair up with another student and obtain a fitness tic-tac-toe card and tokens for tic-tac-toe card.
  - The pair will find a space in the gym away from other players, and play the game.
  - Teacher will collect cards and tokens at the end of the 10 minutes.
10 Min
Stretching/ Attendance
Students spaced out around perimeter of the gym in general space
- Music continues to play throughout stretching.
  - On teacher signal, students run, skip, and karaoke  around perimeter of the gym for 5 miutes (alternating movements).
  - The teacher will take attendance during this time. 
  - Upon teacher signal, walk around perimeter (1 lap) and then walk to a general space on the floor to perform stretches
  - Teacher leads stretches from the front of the class, walking around helping students and keeping them on task.
  - Stretches include neck rolls, arm circles, trunk stretches, standing and sitting leg stretches (for hamstrings, quads, and gluts), ankle circles.
- Each exercise should be held for a count of 10 seconds.
  - Each exercise should have 10 reps.
  - Shut music off when the class is finished stretching.
7 Min
Intorduction to soccer history, glossary, rules,  equipment, safety, and checklist
Students sit in semicircle around the teacher who is in the front of the gymnasium.
- Teacher hands out and goes over the different soccer handouts with the students:
- Answers any questions students may have
Foot position 2) Stance 3) Passing
Passing with Instep
     - Toe of non-kicking foot pointed to
      - Kicking foot turned in.
      - Step first with non- kicking foot,
        place next to ball.
      - lock ankle of kicking foot
      - make contact with the instep of foot
      - Follow through (bring leg all he way
5 Min
Students remain seated in semicirlcle while teacher stands in front of gymnasium
- Safety first
- Perform everything that is on the checklist.
  - If you have any questions please come up and ask me.
6 Min
10 Min
3 Min
20 Min
2 Min
7 Min
5 Min
Transition to inside
Small Group Target Passing
Transition to Outside
Partner Evaluation
Individual Practice
Line-up and walk outside
Students in pairs
Line-up and walk inside
Students remain seated in semi cirlcle while teacher stands in front of gymnasium
In Locker Room
Students scattered in general space around the perimeter of the gym facing the wall
  * Partner 1 stands 3' from the wall, facing the wall
    * Partner 2 stands behing (off to the side) Partner 1 with passing checklist and pencil
-Partner 1 performes the same skill as in the individual practice
-While partner 1 is performing the exercises, partner 2 is evaluating there performance along with providing positive reinforcement
-When partner 1 completes the entire set, he/she switches with partner 2
-Teacher collects peer evaluation passing checklist at the end of the 10 minutes.
  * Safety first
   * Perform everything that is on the checklist
   * If you have any questions, please  come and ask me
  * Bring targets, pencil and soccer ball with you  
   * Once outside, sit on bleachers and wait for the teacher
  * Quickly and quietly
  * Each pair starts at one target
   * Teacher explains the target mini course and how to keep score
   * One student from the pair will get the soccer scorecard and the number of the pairs' starting target from the teacher
   * Teacher collects scorecards at the end of the period
  * Ask if you have any
  * Bring soccer ball, pencil and targets with you  
* Once inside, sit by the blackboard and wait for the teacher
  * Quickly and quietly
  * Teacher gives out one passing log-sheet to each student 
    * Students engage in a "Think-Pair-Share" session in groups of three using information on the passing log-sheet
    * The passing log-sheet is collected by the teacher at the end of the period
  * Think about the question
   * Write your
answer(s) on the log-sheet  
   * Pair with two other class- mates (to form a group of 3)
   * Compare your answers with the group and add new information to previous notes
   * Share your finding with the whole class
    * Refer to KEY
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- Using your instep rapidly kick the ball against the wall (control), do as many as you can in a min. using only your right foot.
-30 sec. break
-repteat with the left foot.
- 30 sec. break
-repeat kicking with the laces(both right and left foot) remeber to keep your toe pointed and your anckle locked.
-stand 3' from the wall
-take a step between every kick (head down)
-Remember to follow through
- purpose of this activity is control and acuracy
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