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Authorities have regularly described secondary physical education programs as plagued with
student motivational problems. That is one of the reasons the physical education program at Martin Soler Middle School is focused on a variety of sport and lifetimeactivities (competitive and
non-competitive), fitness activities, etc.  Hopefully, the student will find a sport/activity that he/she
likes from the variety of sports/activities presented in his/her physical education class and continue
that sport/activity through out his/her lifetime.
5. Selecting activities that are challenging, yet allow each student to reap some immediat  success.  Good curriculum design will guarantee the proper selection of activities. Therefore, students will find the activities challenging and enjoyable, and will be successful when participating
in the activities

6. Providing for maximum participation within every learning task. Teachers can keep students'
interest as long as they are active and enjoying what they are doing. Playing basketball is fun, but
not if one is watching from the sidelines. As a general guideline, teachers will increase the number
of game situations (two games playing crosscourt) or decrease the number of players (to three or
four per team, to provide for more movement and ball contact) in each game situation

7. Making the practice activities and lead-up games as close to a game situation as possible.
Boring drills or slow, dull lead-up games do not motivate students.

8. Providing praise and positive corrections rather than scorn or negative criticism. Praise is the
strongest form of reinforcement. Teachers will be honest; that is, give praise for positive
achievement. They will not praise or tell a student that his/her performance has improved when it
has not, particularly in front of other children

9. Ensuring that activities are developmentally appropriate for each student. Teachers will change
rules or other conditions to ensure that students achieve success and enjoyment

10. Combining enjoyment with skill and concept acquisition. It is quite easy to create an entertaining
environment in physical education that contributes little to skill or concept development. Students
can experience fun and enjoyment in physical activities, yet gain little in terms of skills or new
knowledge that will help them maintain an active lifestyle. An effective teacher accomplishes both
enjoyment and skill and concept development.
a. Arranging a pleasant atmosphere. Bright displays, neat and colorful bulletin boards, and
relevant posters brighten the surroundings (please see the "Gallery" for pictures)

b. Using music to add spice to class. Students are encouraged to bring their favorite music to
class so that it is employed to accompany warm-up exercises or to serve as background when

c. Securing and employing special video or film media to inspire students (for example,
NCAA Basketball Finals or World Cup Soccer Tourney)

d. Learning students' names

e. Treating students with the respect and dignity that all individuals deserve

f. Publicizing positive efforts or accomplishments so students know that their efforts and
accomplishments are noticed and appreciated. Teachers will use the school newspaper, public
address system, or bulletin boards to announce special activities, awards, and recognition taking
place in physical education

g. Displaying "with-it-ness." Teachers will make an effort to better understand the world of the
student. Teacher will stay abreast of popular heroes, fashions, recent films, actors, and other
interests of students. Teachers will relate the academic program to the world of the students at
every opportunity

h. Inviting others to become involved in physical education. Principals, supervisors,
colleagues, and parents will be invited to the physical education class for special activities and
1. Role modeling of desired behaviors by physical education teachers. This techniques has a
stronger effect than mere verbal instructions or exhortations. What teachers are and how they act
is much more potent than their acclamations. Such modeling can powerfully influence student
motivation and interest in physical education.

2. Teacher enthusiasm for subject matter is another avenue for the stimulation of students. It is not
essential that teachers entertain students, but teachers need to exude positive energy. Teachers
seemingly tired or bored with the subject matter usually do little more than go through the motions
of presenting information, employ few gestures, and rarely smile. Student boredom and the failure
of teachers to exhibit excitement are related. Boredom, like excitement, is contagious." Teachers
must demonstrate their interest and excitement for students to observe on a regular basis.

3. Teachers must include units of study that enable students to use the higher levels of cognitive
functioning (application, synthesis, and evaluation), within the context of the student's study of
human movement. Such lessons would require students to be active, vibrant learners, forced to
think at levels not encouraged elsewhere.

4. Making Physical Education Inviting: Invitations are intended to inform students that they are
valuable, able, and responsible. Invitational education maintains that each individual possesses
relatively untapped potential for intellectual and psychological development, and that this potential
may best be realized in a nurturing environment. Some of the invitational approaches that will be
used throughout the curriculum include:
         Other motivational techniques that will be used throughout the curriculum include:
     Before any instruction begins, the physical educators at Martin SolerMiddle School take certain precautions in order to provide a safe environment. With this in mind, teacher's check:

1. Student health records,

2. I.E.P.'s,

3. Equipment: Teachers will make sure the equipment is in good working order. Teachers will replace, discard, and/or repair equipment as needed, and

4. Playing field/court for hazards (i.e. glass, foreign objects, uneven surfaces, etc.).

     The physical education department will strictly enforce several regulations to ensure student safety, including:

1. No gum chewing is allowed

2. Sneakers must be tied

3. Proper uniform must be worn

4. No jewelry may be worn during class

5. Long hair must be secured back away from the shoulders and face during class

6. Glass guards must be worn by students who wear glasses that contain lenses that are not "safety glass"

7. Students most demonstrate self-control and follow class rules in order to participate

8. Mouth guards may be worn to protect the teeth. They must be supplied by the parent

9. Only non-aerosol and non-breakable containers are allowed in the locker room area
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