You are Entering the Most Mysterious
WORLD of Morgaine
Mysterious yes, but to those who have the inclination to know more of this world, and to step into the Mysteries that have for many years been the taboos, will discover within themselves that they have abilities that will widen the human soul and mind.
The Silent Web
The Silent Web Coven is run by yours truly Gypsy Morgaine(Lady Amber Raven), who has been teaching for over 25 years. To learn more about what Wicca is, there are many books in your local bookstores or contact me at my e-mail address and I would be happy to answer any question you may have. Also the links I have listed below are a great source of more information on wicca and many other pagan beliefs.
I believe that all religious beliefs should be protected no matter the cost, each and every one of us has the human right to practice and believe as they choose as long as it harms no person or thing.  I have taught Wicca for over half of my life and I have never pushed anyone into anything, for this is wrong in any religious belief system.  I am a Pagan, meaning that although I am Wiccan I also believe that all pagan beliefs are of Value.
  I would like to make a statement that is for the general public, and maybe for those of us that from time to time have forgot.
    Any pagan belief system is a valued system or it would not have come into being.  If we as human beings keep one person or group of people from practicing what they believe then we are no better that those we oppose for doing the same thing.  When we think on the basics of any religion, we may have different creation myths, different ways of doing things but in the end we are all doing the same thing.  We are creating for our inner selves the peace and tranquility that comes from believing in a higher deity.  All deities are important and in the end they are all the same as each religion and belief system is the same, we may do it differently, call it differently, and even have different names for our deities.  But in the end it is all the same.
How can we as logical human beings dare to think that we can out think the gods, it is arrogant of any one of us to think that the all-mighty (whomever) would not have the foresight to give us what we need.  In the language we need and in whatever format that we may need it.  Can we not believe for a moment that our Deity would give each race of people the inner knowledge to believe in his or her own way.  Would not God give a tribesman the belief that he could better acquaint with, involving the culture that he lives in.  And also for each one of us in any cultural setting, I think that know one person breaks it down to the basics.  We all assume, and for those of us who believe in a higher being, isn't is presumptuous of us to assume anything of a higher being.  After all where did these beliefs start, who gave us the foresight to believe in anything if not our higher being or deity.  This is just a little something to think about for those who may from time to time get angry because someone else does not think the way that we do.  For there is comfort in knowledge.  And there is tolerance in comfort.
May whatever Deity you believe in Protect you and yours!
Links to Other Wiccan and Pagan Sources
SkyLeaf--- The Wiccan Psychiatrist
The Covenant of the Goddess--- An international organization for Wiccans
The Religious Archive--- A  Storehouse of Knowledge
The Pagan Federation on the Web--- A Federation of Pagan Organizations across Europe
Reclaiming Collective---
Yahoo--- For more info and other Wiccan pages
MorganBear's Pagan Site---Useful information for New and Old alike
Witch Way ---The Most Incredibly Beautiful Pagan Graphics
Witches Voice ---A Great Pagan Site to Visit
Links To Morgaine's WORLDS
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This page last updated on June 1, 2006
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