Strategies for  instruction
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Strategies for Instruction
Designing instruction requires various types of orgainzational decisions at the local level:
What content should be presented?
How should it be presented?
What sequence should it take?
What medium is best - the web?
One key to the above decision making activity is knowledge of the cognitive activities required for each of the major types of learning events and selecting the most suitable medium to support its delivery, and act as problem solving devices.e.g crossword puzzles
ATTRIBUTES e.g. dynamic, static, file size, resolution, realistic
(requires QuickTime download) Resolution (high & low)?
Illustrated audio
e.g. hypertext, Language- games/puzzles
virtual library    Wikis   blogs    Podcasts
Text & graphics
Size (file)
Virtual reality
Learning objects
Hot spots
Virtual tour
How icecream is made - Ben & Jerrys
Guidelines for use of multimedia in the learning process
visuals that complement text increase retention

realism of pictures & graphics facilitate learning

page size, position, text style & color direct
attention but do not directly aid learning
Text, Graphics, Pictures: e.g.How to build a PC
excellent for showing change over time

indicate dimension

show simultaneous data or information

show transitions

Animation e.g. The development of the brain, to view this file download a copy of QuickTime
promote motivated concentration

satisfy perception of learner

provide learner with an environment of familiarity

complement/support  text

Excellent for procedural learning
Video, Sound -The Basics of Sailing  e.g., to view this file download a copy of MS Producer for PowerPoint
combines a number of elements - supports different learning types

resuable - provides support for reinforcement

provides just-in-time information - promotes retention
potential for inter/intracontexual reuse - promotes transfer

excellent for all types of learning -
EXCEPT attitudinal
Learning Objects - virtual chemistry lab
technologies for learning  thinking  & problem solving
Multimedia ISD
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