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Chinese Schools
Chinese School for Simplified Chinese
Chinese School for Traditional Chinese

UNL 华人学生学者联合会
Lincoln Chinese Cultural Association (LCCA)
Senior Club: The June 16th potluck event in celebrating Duan Wu Festival at Holmes Lake was a success; around 69 adults and 25 children participated. Everyone had a good time enjoying good food, friendship and fun. Senior Club members had their first meeting on Sunday (July 15th) and enjoyed watermelon, tea, conversation and friendships with each other. Members have expressed their appreciation to LCCA event organizers David Chen, Juan Cheng and Wen Zhi Jiang, for their effort in organizing such a meaningful for the seniors, and they are looking forward to their next meeting.

Other Ongoing Events:A weekly Tai Chi class has now been established. Our instructor is Professor Gary Yuen, a well-known martial arts instructor. This will be opened to all LCCA members. For detailed time and location, please contact Charles Wood by e-mail or phone.

Discount coupons for Journal Star subscription, and free memberships to YWCA is available to LCCA
Other Anouncements:
09-29-01 10-17-01 11-23-01 11-26-01
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