Tremor Tales page 2
Lip Reading Ready

Moments after we settled into our movie
Theater seats, my love wrapped his hand around
The back of my neck.  How romantic, I thought,
A massage.  Soon after, the rattling that had
Started in our seats when we sat ceased and we
Could at last hear the dialog.  I attempted
To turn my head to mention this to my love,
But he squeezed my neck tightly and my sight
Filled with fog.  "Auk!" I choked.  Startled, he shot
His eyes to mine, saw them bulging and he
Quickly let loose my neck.  "Are you alright?"
He asked.  "Yes," I squeaked.  "But the movie isn't
That engrossing!"  "Oh hon, I held your neck to
Stop its shaking.  It was making our seats
Rattle."  "My shaking caused that noise?! 
Well still, I can't have you choking me.
No more movies till were lip reading ready."   

Winning Vibrations

Got kicked off the baseball team
When opposing players claimed that I
Cheated when I batted the ball.  "How could I?"
I asked, indignant.  Well, they said that I hit
Each pitch twice in fast succession to boost
The ball farther.  "Huh?" I said.  Be more
Precise."  I didn't wait for an answer, instead
I tossed the ball straight up and as it fell I
Slugged it with my bat, and to my surprise
My hand and arm tremors vibrated the bat
So fast one whack had the power of two. 
I laughed over this and walked away brewing
A plan.  Not long after, I had my own team which
I named Winning Vibrations.  All the players
Have hand and arm tremors like me, but we
Only play against teams of tremorers since
Competing 'gainst steadies wouldn't be fair.


Whoopee!  I've got a med that's gonna
Steady me.  All I need to work up to
Is four hundred mgs.  Gonna start on
Them right away.  One week gone and something
Strange is going on.  My carpet's moving like a
Rippling stream, my light bulb is switching
Between red and green.  Must relax. Drink tea
On the porch.  Read a magazine.  Whee!
The trees across the street are playing tag!
Gotta shine on them a flashing strobe light.
Wait, since when do trees play tag at night?
Shees, my medication's got me trippin'.
I need a change in my prescription.
There you go pills, into the trash pail.
Ahhh, my brain's clearing of the unreal.
It sure was fun trippin'. Too bad the pills
Got my sanity slippin'. 

Saved By E T

I was walking along when he jumped out
At me and frightened me so he set off
My E T.  He stared at me past his pointing
Sharp knife and demanded my money,
Or he'd take my life.  My shaking hands
Fumbled for cash in my purse, while my
No-no head tremors shook worse and worse.
He paled at the sight, dropped the knife
In the ditch, and ran away screaming,
"Oh no she's bewitched!"

I, Tremor

Dreading that I, Tremor, will be seen in him
My host struggles to still me as the highway
Patrolman steps up to his car.  "Sir, your driver's
License please.  Uh, why so nervous?  I stopped you
For changing lanes illegally, but step out
Of the car, could be there's something more."
My host's increasing stress strengthens me
And I shake him harder.  Wary, the officer
Suggests that I'm a symptom of drug withdrawal.
And my host strives to explain my presence.
"Officer, I've essential tremor,
A neurological disorder."  "Essential tremor?
My dad shakes like you.  He has E T, it's rough.
Okay, be on your way.  No ticket this time
But change lanes legally."  Relieved, my host drives
Off and his lessened stress weakens me.
"That's one cop," he says, "I'm glad pulled me over."
I?  I curse that cop for shrinking my power.

Poodled scrabbled across the kitchen tile
In a mad dash to beat Master to his spilled
E T pills.  Master dove to the floor and slid
Towards the pills, but Poodle got to them first
And snapped them up in it's jaw.  Master feared
The pills would make Poodle sick so he reached
Into Poodle's maw and frantically dug
Out but two.  The third?  Alas, it was lost down Poodle's gullet.  A few moments later,
Poodle balanced on it's tail and twirled.
Master, amazed at the pill's effect
And thinking twirling fun, gulped three.  But
He experienced no twirling.  Instead, he
Fell asleep right there on the floor
And Poodle went on twirling beside him.
The Switch

"Honey, what's wrong with the T V?"
"Nothing.  Works fine."  "Then why is it that
Every time I hit its on/off switch it turns
On then off right after?"  "Huh?  I'll give
It a try.  There, it's on and staying on."
"How'd you...?  Never mind, turn it off.  I
Want to try again."  "Okay it's off.  Just think,
Without me you couldn't watch T V."  "Very
Funny.  I'll get it to stay on."  She pressed the
Switch with her finger and discovered
That the tremor in it caused it to
Press the switch twice.  On, then off.  Not to be
Defeated, she got  some dried peas and
A straw.  One pea hit through the straw
Hit the switch on, a second pea hit turned
It off.  Pea mush now bedecks the switch
As proof of her mastery over it.   
Crazy Daredevil

My friend calls me a crazy daredevil
Because I love doing dangerous stunts.
They raise me to exhilarating levels
That fill dull days with excitement.
When we climbed to a cliff's peak near the sky,
My arm tremors grew...tired muscle wages.
As I flapped my arms to send them bye-bye,
My friend yanked me back from the peak's edge.
"Why'd you do that?" I asked, bewildered.
"Flap all you want, you can't fly."  "Fly?! 
I flapped to rid my arms of their tremor.
But flying sounds fun.  Gonna give it a try."
Flapping my arms like crazy, into empty air
I leaped.  And plummeted to an eagle's nest.
My friend roped me back and I groaned, "I swear,
Next time I'll wear wings on the back of my chest."

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