Tremor Tales page 3
            Love In The Waiting Room

Though I was calm, I shook like a new-born
Lamb.  "Sir, relax," said a nearby lovely
Lady real low.  "The dentist is gentle,
Take's it slow."  "No sweat, I'm drugged to the
Gills," I said, admiring her form.  "I took pills
To ease the E T stress I bear.  I've lost
All feelings of dread."  "You have E T?"
She asked, surprised.  "So do I.  I, too,
Took tranquilizers before I arrived."
"A fellow shaker?  Must've dropped
From the sky."  "I know what you mean.  I've met
No others."  "Say, Miss...?"  "Miss Sally."  "Miss
Sally, after our checkups how 'bout tea
With me?"  "Certainly.  Of course caffeine free."
After just two dates we've love that thrills, and
We always hold hands when the dentist drills.    
Party Bandaids

You should have seen me get ready
For the New Years Eve party.
I'm myopic and I had chin hairs to pluck.
With shaky hands it's a matter of luck
To pluck out hairs, and not chunks of skin.
I could barely see where I was aimin',
But I tweezed out those hairs allright.
However, tweezer cuts were plainly in sight.
I had no way to make them fade
So I festooned them all with party bandaids.
How could I have known?

"You don't have M S, do you, miss?"
Asks a guest in the elegant chair
Next to mine.  Before I can answer,
Our host says yes.  "No," say I.
"I've essential tremors.  Now let's dine."
"Arrogant, is she not?" asks my neighbor.
I nod and say, "I would tell that she
Oft is.  Had she deigned to wait for my
Reply, she would not now be thought
A fauz pas sensation, as you can hear
In the whispers spreading from guest to guest."
"How could I have known?" she haughtily
Sniffs.  "By getting all the facts," my
Neighbor retorts, and chuckles fill
The room.  She left town the next morning
In her caterer's truck never to return,
Not even to host potluck.


"I'd rather lose a tire racing in the
Indy 500 than read my report in front of the class,"
The teenager mumbled as he swaggered
To the front of the room feigning 'cool'.  
There, his fear increased, for he had nothing
On which to steady his trembling hands
As he read.  The papers shook so hard he
Expected the kind of snigger he'd gotten
In the cafeteria when he shakily
Raised a can of soda to his lips.  None came,
Still he figured that the silence wasn't because
His report about race cars flipping end
Over end was so gripping, but because
Of his weird shaking.  When he finished, he
Walked back to his desk feeling like he'd been
In a wreck of his own.  But when each
Classmate raised a thumb in approval,
He grinned with a coolness that was true. 

Tremor Terror

Over the telepnone spoke the two shakers.
Your head shakes?  Mine too.  How 'bout your
Hands?  Yeah?  Also mine.  Your legs?  Also mine.  My insides shake all the time.  You've no tremor
In your voice.  Mine make me sound nervous.
You want to use our tremors to scare?
Oh, steady people who stare.
I know that corner.  Meet you at midnight.
They hadn't described themselves
So didn't recognize one another when they
Approached the corner from opposite ends.
"Boo!" they shouted, and scared eachother
Into shaking so wildly they frightened
All gawkers nearby into scrambling for safety.
They burst out laughing over their blunder,
And later they wrote a book they titled
Tremor Terrors.  It made them rich and they
Tried sharing their fortune with the gawkers,
But they all ran off when they came near.   

In a valley below snow covered peaks
Lies hidden a club called TTSC.
It was formed the day a stegosaurus
Was found at play in the yard of a nurse.
She told all her friends, those tremor cursed,
And together they decided it best
To hide it from paleontologists.
So they bought the land in a valley
Where grows all kinds of green grub.
And made it the stegosaurus' private food galley.
They call themselves, The Tremor Steg Club,

And they live with the stegosaurous just fine,
Their giant pet from a long ago time.
Silver Glitter

I struggled hard to slip the tiny
Bauble's string around a branch of my
Foot high Christmas tree, but my hand tremor
Was so persistent it flipped the bauble
To the floor.  Frustrated, I flung a handful
At the tree and almost bowled it over,
But each bauble snagged a branch and stuck.
I then scrabbled hold of the Christmas star
And to stop it bouncing in my trembling hand
I slapped it still with my other,
And crushed into silver glitter. 
No star for my tree but it's still a hit,
What with all that glitter shook over it.


The voices around him, eerily
Devoid of vibrato, sent chills up his
Trembling spine.  None of the diners had
Shaky hands, nor did heads shake no or yes.
Sure's creepy here, he thought.  Just then,
A rock steady waitress, eyes filled with stress,
Accosted him with a forced smile and waved
Him to the exit.  "Why?" he asked, but
Before she could answer, he called out,
"What's wrong with you people?
Why aren't you shaking?"  And she gingerly
Clutched his sleeve and pulled him to the door.
"Sir, you're in the wrong town.  This is Steadyville,
Shakesville is miles the road down."  He jerked
Loose, and a huge guy started his way.  "Oops,"
He said, as he sidled out the door. "It's just
That I've never seen nonshakers before."

A Little Drinky

Shaking?  Who's shaking?  Oh yeah, me.
Aw who cares?  Let everybody look.
Had alittle drinky before we
Came here to calm the worst of it.
A little more would shut 'em down good,
But then I wouldn't enjoy my food.
This way I've a relaxin' feelin', and
Can put up with those still goin'.
I may drink more later if they worsen,
But for now let's get to eatin'.
Oh yeah, bits of gravy might your way fling,
An' mashed taters..... Hey!  Why're ya leavin'?
Hmmp!  Poor guy's got a neat streak problem.

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