Tremor Tales page 8
Off A Persian Carpet

Patiently I waited, stomach growling,
For my daughter to fill my plate from the
Buffet.  When she finally brought it to me,
I groaned at the sight of the small dollops
Of food that wouldn't fill a mite.  Still, I
Couldn't complain for she'd spared me
The job of serving myself and appearing
The slob as my trembling hands whipped
It to the floor.  And I'd have nothing but a
Pyramid of cuisine to drool over, yet, isn't
There class in eating off a Persian carpet?
Tremors Contagious

He came walking up the sidewalk near where
I was raking last Fall's leaves.  Oh how I hoped
That he would not see my head and hand tremors.
But he stopped right in the middle of his passing.
Why didn't he keep going?  Be gone!  He asked
Me something in broken English.  I didn't Understand.  My shakes grew; he saw.  Anguish.  He waved an envelope in the air and my misery Diminished.  "There's a mailbox down the block,"
I said.  And he ran in the direction of
My shaking pointing finger so fast
He must've thought my tremors contagious.
Mr. Protector

"Lady, you're making me dizzy with that paper
You're holding."  I was handing the store
Employee an ad leaflet and trembling badly.
Embarrassed by what he said, I explained,
"I've a neurological disorder.   
Would you please get these items for me?"  His
Face flushed with shame, which kept my son
From trouncing him.  Later, as we were passing
A throng of shoppers, a fidgety young
Druggie stepped in front of me and hissed,
"I got just what you need, lady, pure coke." 
And like a shot, my son slugged him. 
At that moment a policeman rushed out
Of the throng and cuffed the druggie.
"Wow, son," I said.  "We helped catch a hood.
But no more Mr. Protector, understood?"

Sweet Tess

"What's wrong with your horse?" a ranch
Hand asked as I led my Quarter horse
Back to her stable.  "Nothing," I replied.
"I'm through riding."  "Good thing, her legs sure
Are wobbly."  "Huh?" I mumbled, and looked back
At Sweet Tess.  Poor thing had caught my tremors
And was a shaky mess.  Tess stopped being sweet
From that day forward.  If I approach her with
Reins she rears back and gallops off to hide
Behind a haystack. Won't let me ride her,
But lets me whisper in her ear, after she
Makes sure I'm not carrying rein gear.   
Tremors Sensual

Doc, you want me to sign a form
Giving you permission to study
My brain?  Well, okay, but it's kinda worn,
What with all my thinking strain.
You wanna find the cause of my tremor?
Find the cells that cause me to shake like
A hula dancer?  My tremor makes me
Sensual?  And you say that by
Studying those cells you'd learn how to
Be sensual, too?  Well all you have to do
Is mimic my tremor and you will be. 
He did, still does, and he now charms
More ladies than he can handle.
Dream's Relief

Joyously enveloped in my dream,
Not fettered by cares, nor oppression,
I gently drift on breezes blowing,
Warm and comforted, caressed and free.
I'm borne along embraced by light
Past wispy streams of rose-pink silks and
Satins, my soul sweetly singing of the
Blessings in life gifted to me.  I
Wake relaxed filled with thankfulness
For my dream's relief from tremor stress.
She Hides The Sausage

"No thank you," I said to the lady
Holding out the paper plate with the
Sample of barbeque sausage so
Yummy looking, and I patted my ample
Belly.  My ruse worked and she
Offered it to a grocery shopper
Behind me.  Whew!  I'd gotten out of
Exposing my hand tremors.  But ohh,
The scent of the sausage so enticed
My mind I snatched one off her plate
From behind.  But my haste caused
Such an increase in my shakes
The sausage whipped from my fingers
Up into the air.  As it fell, I caught it
With my teeth and munched away, and Onlookers clapped like crazy.  She now 
Hides the sausage when she sees me coming.
Gooey Cream Cheese

As I shakily clawed at the foil on
The block of cream cheese, my fingers
Became coated with squished out cheese. 
I gave up and had another dinner guest
Remove the foil, while I sipped wine
To steady my tremor.  Alas, it did not,
And further embarrassment I suffered.
But later as I played the piano,
Embarrassment drifted from my thoughts.  And
My playing so pleased all who listened, the Hostess didn't mind that I smeared all the keys
With gobs and gobs of gooey cream cheese.
Nailed To The Plate

"In this diner my hands will not shake,"
I muttered as I gripped the plate that
Held my steak.  "I will not let my tremor
Spill it to the floor as I make my way
To a booth to satiate my hunger. 
Made it!"  Success felt so great, I forgot
To hold steady as I cut the steak.  My hand
Jerked and it shot onto another's plate.  He Thanked me profusely and I did state,
"Enjoy each juicy bite you partake."   
And I ordered another nailed to my plate.
Origin Of Gnomes

Certain it would rid me of my tremors,
In the dark of night, under a full moon,
I raced three times 'round my garden gnome.
Instead, my shakes went on the rise.
I'd run clockwise.  Perhaps counterclockwise?
As I ran in that direction, I stumbled and fell
At the gnome's feet.  And there came a snort
From above.  From the gnome!  "Brutal,"
It glowered.  "Run somewhere else, sport."
"Taken aback, I squeaked, "I ran to get steady."
"Yeah, I know, but you've made me dizzy.
Plus, you're blocking the moonlight from me.
I need its beams to loosen me up."  "Loosen?
That's it!  By moonlight my shakes are worsened.
I'll leave, but I'll be back when it's gone."
The gnome was again rigid at dawn.
As I ran 'round it, I hardened to the bone,
And knew then the origin of gnomes:
Running in circles will turn you to stone.
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