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Rainy Day? Have some Fun!
Lonely? Find solace at one of our gatherings... with true  Southern style hospitality.

Most of us southerners (and transplants) use AtlasQuest to coordinate our social gatherings, so your best bet is to visit the Events page on AtlasQuest, where you can get one long list of every gathering coming up in the forseeable future, or search for those in your area of choice.

Here's the skinny on the big SE gatherings:

Every year since 2004, there's been a big, bigger, and even bigger Southeast Gathering at Stone Mountain Park in Georgia (the de facto HQ of letterboxing in the southeast). The 2006 gathering was so huge that people weathered a severe thunder-and lighting storm the night before... and guests from as far away as the Pacific Northwest graced the granite dome.

Two other traditions in Georgia are the Treasure Haunt, a cleverly-devised adventure featuring a night hike through phantom forests and ghostly gorges, and the Letterboxing Pow-Wow, an event that occurs on the same weekend as a real Native American Pow-Wow—and turns into a pub crawl afterwards....

There are other gatherings that pop up during the year, but none have developed the staying power that these three have.


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(C) 2007 Letterboxing Southeast

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