The Passing of a Rare Gem
Thursday, April 22, 1999, Lisa came home from work a few minutes early. Ari had taken several days off before starting his new job, and this was his first day off. Not knowing why she felt uneasy when Ari wasn't home, she paged him. He called back from his cellular phone, which was unusual for him, and told her he was so excited about his new job that he was driving back and forth a few times to find the best way to get there. She could hear the excitement in his voice. Feeling better, and a bit silly for worrying about him, Lisa went off to her job interview for that day.
Lisa returned home around 5 o'clock that evening. As she was pulling into their apartment complex, she saw Ari about to leave in his car. He stopped to say hello to her and explain that he was going into New York City to visit an old friend from Israel. He apologized profusely for not being home to spend the evening with her. Suddenly, he looked at her with a weird expression in his face and told her he wasn't going into New York. When she inquired why, he said simply "I feel sick." Then he ran inside.
Lisa parked her car and followed him inside, not sure what to think. She found him doubled over the toilet, pressing on his stomach in pain. She suggested he take a lukewarm bath since he complained of feeling too warm, although his temperature when she took it was fine.
After his bath, Lisa tucked Ari into bed and told him to try to get some sleep. When she asked him if he wanted her in the bedroom with him, he said yes. That was unusual for him; Ari never wanted anyone to feel put out for him. They snuggled in bed for close to an hour and Ari seemed to be feeling a little better. Suddenly, he jumped up and ran into the bathroom again. This time he fell to the floor crying out in pain. When Lisa suggested taking him to the hospital, he agreed immediately, which was also unusual for him. On her way to the phone to call for an ambulance, Lisa noticed a note that Ari had left her just prior to his departure to New York. Ari rarely left notes for Lisa, and if he did they were always extremely short. This one was different; this mentioned how much he loved her and wanted to be with her.
On the way to the hospital, Ari started getting scared. By this time he was also complaining of a horrendous backache, and was practically in tears. Once in the hospital, Lisa managed to get a nurse over quickly, and upon examination, she found fluid in his lungs. Since that is not a good sign, she got Ari into an examining room as quickly as possible. Lisa stayed by his side the entire time, rubbing his back while trying to give him words of encouragement.
Still rubbing his back while he lay on his side, Lisa was getting concerned as they entered the room. Suddenly, Ari exclaimed "I feel like I'm going to faint." Lisa raced past his feet to the other side of the bed so she could face him. By the time she got there, she noticed he had stopped breathing. As an EMT, Lisa knew that this would mean CPR. Her screams notified the nurse while the doctor was walking in to examine Ari. Lisa was taken out of the room.
The doctors took an EKG of Ari and realized that he had had a massive heart attack. She knew in her heart, even before the doctor told her, that it was over. She had felt that physical connection between them snap. Her life, as she knew it, was over.
My blue-eyed babe
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