What We Meant to Each Other
After that day, things seemed to fall into place for Ari and Lisa. Everything they wanted for themselves was the same, everything they had been through in life had been similar, everything they felt about each other was exactly the same. They had fallen in love without even realizing it. These two were destined to be with each other for the rest of their lives. Little did they know they would only have a year together before everything fell apart.
Mid July of that same year, Ari finally moved down to New Jersey to be closer to Lisa. He moved into her townhouse and they started searching for an apartment where they could start their lives together. Things for them seemed to fit together like pieces of a puzzle; no couple could have ever been happier than these two. They had their occasional disagreements like everyone does, but they worked through them quickly. They worked well together. Everyone who knew each of them before they met each other exclaimed how much happier they each seemed than before. Call it destiny, call it kismet, call it whatever you want, but this was a perfect match from beginning to end.
One of the great things about this particular relationship was how they complimented each other and how they helped each other out. There was constant support on both sides as Ari and Lisa were both trying to better their lives. He guided her and she reciprocated. It was perfect.
Ari had dropped out of college several years before and had a long list of lousy relationships behind him. He had never had a reason to be a responsible adult and had never given any serious thought to his future. Lisa had already been engaged once before, also had a list of unmentionables behind her, and had very little confidence in herself. Neither one of them was able to trust people too easily.
Lisa helped Ari apply to colleges and look for the job of his dreams. He also had the worst credit imaginable, which she did everything in her power to correct. Thanks to Lisa, Ari was able to open a bank account and learn how to manage his money. According to Ari*s family, it was Lisa who helped bring them closer together. Thanks to Lisa, Ari started putting his life together and found direction. His direction was pointing towards Lisa and their future together.
In return, Ari helped Lisa as well. Besides the things like cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry, Ari helped Lisa gain more self-confidence. He taught her to follow her heart and not what other people were telling her they thought she should do. He never complained about doing most of the housework when she hurt her back, or was simply tired. He also showed her that life is too precious to hold grudges and how to let go of the little things.
Both Ari and Lisa learned from each other as their relationship grew. They taught each other how to love unconditionally and how to be loved back. She was able to overlook the rare skin condition and rash that he had as well as help him get over the feeling of self-consciousness he had from it. Ari helped Lisa take better care of her body and her spirit. Nothing was too strong for these two. Their love was almost storybook perfect.
Both Ari and Lisa were happy in their lives together. Ari had been accepted to begin his career of choice and Lisa was interviewing, looking for her dream job. Things could not have been better. Or so they thought.
The Proposal
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Wednesday, December 9, 1998 The happiest moment of my life!!
Shadowbrook Banquet Hall Shrewsbury, NJ
Riverview Hospital Holiday Party for EMS Personnel

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