Doctor's Cogitation

Doctor's Cogitation


     Now a days general public as well as senior men in medical profession feel that the doctor of young generation do not adhere to medical ethics and hence ignore the nobility of the profession. There is fast deterioration in medical morality as compared to earlier times. In olden days the doctor and medical professionalists were (concerned mainly with profession) cared more for achieving professional competence and they did not have to deal with moral issues too much involving knotty problems like euthanasia, abortion, forensic medicine,iatrogenic disease etc. Today the medical doctors have to fear many problems in relation to drug industry, public service, hospital service, administration, registration, nursing home as a business adventure, specialization, sociomedical culture, customs and education etc. The present random thoughts are an abstract and self imposed regulations. We are aware that the time is changing and in a competitive world, it is very difficult to follow always the age old ethics, good ideas or thoughts, but however a doctor should at least try not to violate the established code and ethics vigorously. This will bring you to the level that every person contacts you, will feel fortunate enough and accept you as his own.

     Remember, while writing, it may be possible that the author may not be able to express his own ideas or thoughts exactly in a manner he actually wishes to because during that period the circumstances may not be all the time favourable. Thus at times the thoughts written may not be attractive or convincing, but when these are applied in day to day practice of life, will provide very useful and valuable to gain a great deal of success.

     It is now upto the learned readers to further add the better views or their own thoughts gained by experience because such things can still be improved with changing pattern of times in competitive world.

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