Thoughts For Success...
Faith as small as a mustard seed... can move mountains.
What you think about and expect...
is what will be.
The most gnawing regrets
are for the things not done...
for actions not taken...
for opportunities not acted upon.
There is no try...
there is either "do"...
or "do not".
Being willing is more than wishing or wanting...
being willing is making the commitment to take whatever actions are needed...
and in taking those actions...
making it happen.
No circumstance has the power to distract you from the direction you have chosen. Anything that knocks you off track...does so because you allow it.
If you believe it...
you can do it.
Create results...
not excuses.
If it's going to be...
it's up to me.
Even on the most difficult days there is hope.
The worst that could possibly happen cannot even come close to the good that is already is.
And therein lies the strength to "Do".
Twenty years from now you will be disappointed by the things you didn't do... rather than by the things you did do...
so throw off the bow line...
sail away from the safe harbor...
catch the trade winds in your sails...
Your limitations are not imposed upon you...
they are accepted by you.
No circumstance is inherently limiting.
What you do with those circumstances...
that's what matters most.
Spend some quality time with your dreams.
They are real to the extent that you value them.
To the extent that you commit to them...
and work for them...
they will come true.
"Someday" never comes... it is always "today".
Move your dreams from "someday" to this day...
and you'll begin to steadfastly fulfill your dreams.
Keep going...
not so much because of where you'll end up...
but because of what you'll make of yourself in the process.
The stumbles, mistakes, frustrations and difficult times all serve to create value in the accomplishment which is sought...
so take them in stride.
You CAN...and WILL get through them.
Nursing Page
Don't Quit
Our Story Value of Time
One Day At A Time
Lessons from Geese
Land of Mediocrity
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