Consider what it would be like
to have never pursued your goals and dreams,
or to have "quit" once you started,
and to have settled for less than what you can be.
The Land of Mediocrity
by  L. Dean
In the Land of Mediocrity
surrounded by the picket fence of excuses
I built my house.
The weeds of procrastination
and the brambles of laziness
take over the yard that will never be green.
Near the house are huge oak trees that represent
the giants in my life that I failed to confront.
Inside the house is the couch of comfort
where I invested my time foolishly
an album of achievement is nearby
but the pages are empty.
The air is filled with boredom
and my eyes with tears of regret.
A waste basket near the couch of comfort
is full of dreams, never pursued, never to be.
The door to the house is that of opportunity
the door I hesitated to walk through
for fear of the unknown.
Those fears still exist today
but only, as then, in my mind.
Through the window of vision
that I failed to keep clean and clear,
I can see what's left of the bridge of hope,
now fallen down into the river of regret
which flows by daily, reminding me
of all that I could have achieved,
of all the dreams I could have lived.
I, instead, have created my own misery
In the Land of Mediocrity.
Go after your goals and dreams with all your heart.
Be willing to do whatever it takes.
Don't let these words become your reality.
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Don't Quit
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