


+Tidbits of the Creators

E-mail us


Our other sites

+Wacky World of Anime
+Reflective Pass

Rules to follow

These are the codes of conduct and eligebility. Your site and you must adhere to all. Woah, all the big words are making me dizzy.

+You must be lazy.
+No abandoned sites.
+Blogs, galleries, personal, shrines, and any other type of sites can join. However, keep your site clean! No material in excess of the rating PG-13. If you have a hate site or such, you can just go up to that address bar and type another url cause we don't want you!
+You must put the code on your page before submitting a request to join this lovely group.
+Please no "omG diz iz A g8t SiTe!" webpages. Sticky caps and constant shortcut words are really annoying.
+Be nice. SC and I are very nice people.
+If you need help with the codes or such, email us.
+Put 'I wuv penguins' in the box of: "What's the magic phrase?" when submitting to join so we know you have read the rules.

Ready? Let's join!

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