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Survey review

Opistat is a European market research organisation which anonymously monitors internet activity and surveys participating members based upon their personal profiles and internet activity. Their goal is to understand internet users' needs and through such activity to allow the internet to involve and improve to meet the needs of its users. As a member of Opistat you automatically get the Norman Anti-virus software and free updates (valued at £41 or approx. 69 Euros) absolutely free to guard against hackers and viruses. You also gain entry into monthly sweepstakes valued at £650 and stand elligible for other rewards from Opistat partners when you complete their surveys.

Given such claims about monitoring internet activity the first thing which will spring into the minds of many savvy internet users minds is the issue of personal privacy. Given the current nuisance of spyware, adware and all the other privacy invading nonsense on the net (which you may or not be familiar with) personal privacy is something Opistat takes great pains to ensure their members this is something they take seriously. Their entire credibility relies upon a strict compliance to data protection laws and personal privacy constraints. Your internet usage will be monitored but no personally identifiable information will ever be passed on to other companies, but rather it will be used to target specific surveys at you based upon your demographic profile and your online activities. The collected data may also be aggregated with that of other members to generate anonymous statistical snapshots of internet usage. But nothing personally identifiable will be passed on! Feel free to read their (for once!) easily understandable privacy statement on the site to find out more on how collected data is used.

When you register you will be required to download the Opistat survey software and it is this which sits in the background collecting anonymous information based upon your internet activity. The sort of things it collects are websites visited, advertising seen, e-commerce activities, that kind of thing and the surveys you receive will be based on this and the securely stored demographic questions you will supply at registration time. It should also be noted that participation in the surveys is voluntary and your membership status does not require compulsory completion of all or any survey. Also, should you wish to opt out of the program once registered then all you need to do is uninstall the survey software as described in your Opistat account area and you will be removed from their database.

Personally I like Opistat and I have never had a problem with the stability of the software download, nor even noticed its presence once downloaded. As with all software installations your experience may differ but I personally think this is a good program and surely worth checking out for the free anti-virus protection if nothing else!

Site Address: Opistat

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