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Global Test Market - panelist review

Global Test Market(Click Here) are...umm, oh just another one of those global market research companies who are looking to part with cash for the priviledge of hearing your opinions! The difference here being they are one of the few who actually do pay you for each survey you complete as opposed to putting your name forward into a prize draw, sending you products or gift certificates, or (amusingly) expecting you to spend 20 minutes answering silly questions for the fun of it. They are also one of the more professional and active market research companies out there and just happen to be my favourite of all those listed on these pages. If you are looking for a scam-free online earning opportunity then you just found one. You'll not make a fortune here but by sharing your opinions you can earn around $5 for each full survey answered in my experience and oh, just one more time for the ultra-sceptical...they DO pay out.

How Do I Sign Up?

Just toddle along to the site and look on the left and there's a link which will take you to the sign up page. You'll need to fill out some (not very)probing demographic stuff and give them a valid email address(one you check regularly as all online surveys are time restricted) and and that's it. You're registered and will receive survey invitations. It's all FREE, you should never pay to join a survey site, after all, they get paid heaps by the companies who commision the surveys so if they want you to pay to join then its a scam of some kind, or at best, a little sneaky seeing as all the information is freely available elsewhere on the web. Like here at Lazy Cat Surveys for instance!

OK I Signed Up So Now What?

You do nothing. You carry on your normal daily life and then after a while(don't expect to get floods of invitations) a survey invitation or two will drop into your inbox. You're under no obligation to take part and it won't affect the likelihood of you receiving more invitations if you choose not to do a survey but if you do then you'll gain points which can be exchanged for cash when you reach a certain level.

Oh Points Eh? I've Heard That Line Before!

Yes me too but this isn't an "earn points now, we'll devalue them later" scam which many of us have fallen foul of in the past. I've been a member of this site for around a year now and the value of the points have never changed. Nor have the cash-in levels or anything else. This is a legitimate company which works on a points level undoubtedly to save themselves a packet on administration costs. It's easier than sending out a payment for every survey completed and better for you too unless you want to keep cashing cheques for $3-$5 and incurring bank charges ever time! It also works in your favour because the more surveys you take, the higher the value of your points. They reward loyalty. 1000 points will earn you $50 for the first 9 surveys you have taken, but $60 if you have taken 10-19 and so on. There's a conversion table on the site, I'm not going to try to explain it here! Basically the more surveys you have taken in your time at the site, the higher the point value. Oh there's a referral scheme too which will gain you 20 bonus points for each friend you refer.

So They Do Pay Then?

Yup, it can take up to 2 months to arrive but they do definitely pay when you reach a cash-in level and request a cheque. Payment is in dollars so depending upon your bank you may incur charges for cashing the cheque if you are outside the United States and may have to endure the trials of a foreign currency form(mindbending the first time you have to endure one but simple from then on) but money is money right? It certainly pays better than many of the other survey sites out there, like I said, you do actually get paid for each and every survey you complete as opposed to being entered into prize draws etc. which seems to be the favoured choice amongst most of these companies.

But Are My Personal Details Safe?

Yup. They promise that all your personal details supplied when registering are used solely to allocate surveys to those who fit the demographic profile required by their customers. The information you fill in on the surveys themselves is always pretty non-invasive I've found and where there is something more sensitive like a question regarding house-hold income there's usually an opt out answer if you wish to use it. They promise not to sell your data on and I've not noticed an increase in spam etc. so again, this is something I trust them on. Most of these market research companies are members of a national or international market research standards organisation of one kind or another and are held to pretty tight privacy rules anyway so your details are probably much safer here than anywhere else online.

But There Must Be Some Catch?

If there is then I'm yet to find it. There are some great paid market research and survey sites out there and this is one of them. No, you won't find your inbox being flooded with surveys so you can't give up your day job and it actually did take a time for me to receive my first survey from them but there has been a steady stream ever since. I usually get 1 or two a month but some months I may get none and the next 4 will arrive so it's swings and roundabouts to coin a phrase. It does take a while to reach a cash-in level as I said, but in that 4-6 months-ish you'll have spent the equivalent of around 3-4 hours filling in surveys so it's hardly a time consuming chore!

The Verdict

In my experience this is one of the better paid survey sites on the net. I've had a wide range of surveys from them from boring old box ticking to interactive movie trailer and game evaluations. The surveys are always nicely laid out and simple to do and they tend not to ask impossible to answer questions which have you spending more time trying to work out what on earth the question means as opposed to actually filling in answers! The one time I had cause to contact them over a problem my query was dealt with quickly and professionally and whenever I've asked for a cheque to be sent through it has arrived without quibble. Check them out unless you have a huge aversion to having your voice heard and earning a little easy money into the bargain. Remember, it's free to join so if you find you're not interested then you have lost nothing but the 5 minutes of your time it takes to register.

© wampyrii 2003

Address: Click Here

For more of my personal favourites go here.

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