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The Top 2:1 Hit Exchange

CashClicking Offers:

+ 2:1 Exchange
+ Guaranteed 30 second visits
+ Add multiples sites
+ Add multiples banners with clickthrough reporting
+ Surf for real cash and sell your credits!
+ Very frequent traffic Prizes to be won 24/7
+ Mystery credits and traffic lottery
+ Busy exchange, lots of hits

Address: CashClicking

Cashclicking is a 2:1 traffic exchange, which for anyone new to such things means that for every 2 visits you make to sites listed in their exchange, you get one back in return. It is easy to be fooled into thinking this is a bad deal when you compare this to many of the 1:1 traffic exchanges out there but there are a few things to consider:

1) Are you getting real visitors?

Cashclicking ensures that you are with one of the toughest anti-cheat surf bars on the net. This minimises the use of scripts and other auto-surf programs which plague some of the lesser exchanges so at Cashclicking you can be 99% sure that the hits you are getting are from real people not machines.

2) Are they staying long enough to even *see* your site?

At Cashclicking the timer is set to 30 seconds which is more than enough time for anyone to see your site and decide whether they are interested or not. Studies shw that people can make that decision in under 15 seconds and there are many exchanges which only have 10 or 15 second timers as a result...but can you be sure your page has even LOADED in that time? Cashclicking ensures visitors stay long enough to see what you have to offer.

3) How can you use your credits?

Some exchanges only allow you to plow back credits into the exchange so you view sites and you get views back. This may work for some sites but it often means designing a whole new page specifically for the exchange to catch the attention of visitors! At Cashclicking you can do this if you like but you also have the option to exchange credits for banner ads placed throughout the site(therefore getting the attention of members AND non-members) and also to sell your credits to other members so you can actually make money here as well just by surfing! Build a strong referral base as well and this can prove to be a real cash cow...

4) Who is seeing my site?

There are in excess of 500 traffic exchanges on the web these days after the original proved to be such a big hit a few years back. As a result the number of members can be spread somewhat thinly between them all and you can find yourself completely wasting your time if you join some of the lesser ones. Yes, your site may receive 500 hits per day but at a lesser exchange that could quite easily be from the same 5 people seeing it 100 times!! Cashclicking has a large and increasingly growing member base. It is a heavily advertised and respected traffic exchange which combined with the unique option to sell credits fo cash keeps people coming back time and again. You may not get 100% unique visitors(even those who proclaim you will are proved otherwise when you check your logs) but you can guarantee a high proportion will be new to your site.

Those 4 points alone are something CashClicking excels in where others often fail - some of them miserably! It does however depend what you actually want from a traffic exchange. If quality visitors delivered quickly throughout the day is what you want then CashClicking is a very good option. Sometimes however you only want numbers(eg. if you are promoting a ShareAdSpace or Exit Cash Flow link) and couldn't care less about the quality in which case you will want to check out some of the 10 second, 1:1 exchanges out there...but quality always tells in the end because you'll rarely see a referral or sale from those other sites.

Site Rating: 4.5 Stars
Site Address: CashClicking

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