About us

LazMY is managed by Postrade Opine (co.63579), a registered advertising & information agency.

Our mission is to form Shopping Deal Online Mart to support local businesses who want to promote their business by providing online retailing & delivery.

Shopping Deal Online Mart
We are collaborating with well established online shopping platform in order to form this community we name, Shopping Deal Online Mart.
We simply pick and group best discount deals, special products that people needs from many choices & options base on shopping experiences.

Online shopping management system
We can't held but to praise the secure and reliability of online ordering and options payment(even accepting cash on delivery order) platform we have today, it is proven advance and convenient to online shoppers.
Shipping is fast & safe, no matter what location you live in as long as the postal address is reachable within Malaysia.
Thanks to good delivery management system.
Best of all, most smaller items are SHIPPING FREE!

Need help? Can't find your items?
If items that you're looking for are not posted/listed in our category page, you can use the powerful search bar place on the right. you can find abot anything by typing your keywords. Or write to us, we will find what you are looking for.

Find us on Facebook page updating regularly with season promotions & deals.
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Feel free to visit our shopping link, only a click away at your fingertip!

We hope you enjoy our hot items post in our website. Check in again for new season promotions update.

Thank you
The management