I'm now at 159# (-97#)

Last updated: December 5, 2003

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This is the story of my weight-loss after my life-altering Lap-Band surgery. I hope my story offers hope to other folks fed up with being fat and explains why dieting just doesn't work.

This website is my small attempt to share my success and give hope to others who are suffering. I'm aware of how arrogant that may seem, but humble words are hard to come by when talking about the band. If I sound like a zealot, it's probably because I am one.

Surgery date December 8, 1999
Pre-op 256 pounds, BMI of 37.5
Current 159 pounds, BMI of 23
Goal 156 pounds (-100 pounds) appx

2.5mls on 3/15/00; 3.0mls on 6/8/00; 3.3mls on 10/1/00; removed 1.4mls (to 1.9 mls) 6/01 for esophageal dilatation; brought back to 2.5mls 10/01. Increased to 2.9 in 2/02; Increased to 3.75 in 6/03


This is not medical advice!

Common sense dictates that we get medical advice from our trained medical employees (doctors, surgeons, nurses) and not from some random person on the Internet.

However, WLS (Weight Loss Surgery) is a surgical procedure, so medical stuff will be discussed. Take it as informed lay-person advice. I do my best to cite any references and not to put crackpot stuff out there.

Use your judgment.





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