



My boss found this old picture of me and thought it would be neat to see how far I've come. I've been so lucky that they've been supportive and excited for me.

Look at that double-chin!


I look fatter there than I felt at the time. Something about my arms -- weird.




PS -- 8 months post-op.What a wild party we had in Tijuana. Felt pretty darned sexy here though, and judging by all the appreciative looks I got, I don't think I was too far off base.

Now to get rid of those glasses! Trim those boobs! Tuck that tummy! (Just call me Elective Surgery Queen).





Approaching Goal


Ok, except for the weird way my chin looks, this is a pretty accurate profile shot. My boobs look way saggy, but I soon realized it's because my bras were too loose. The next weekend I went to buy new ones. I went from a 44H+ to a 36DDD. Pretty amazing, eh? Oh, for the record -- down 84 pounds in 10 months. Hot diggity!

This was at an office party a few days before Christmas. The picture is, well, dubious, but I think it gives a good idea of what I look like. The best part of the holiday -- I lost another 4 or 5 pounds by the first week of January!

My pants seem a bit baggy here too -- they're some size 14 Old Navy chinos that I bought in October. As you can see from my stats, my weight loss is starting to taper off -- 172 in October and then 166 in December. But this is pretty natural as we approach goal. I'm glad that it is still coming off, slowly.

Outside my office -- yeah, I was lucky enough to see the San Francisco Bay every morning. 161 pounds. Can I say I'm at goal now? It seems so close -- just 5 pounds away. Notiice how much of a difference a good fitting bra makes? Ladies, take the time and get yourself properly fitted after losing weight. *grin*





Fairly decent frontal shot. I'm squinting because I'm facing some pretty intense sunlight.By the way -- these are my husband's jeans. Just a few months later they've become too baggy for me to wear. *lol* 



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