RPG Characters
You can select one of the characters below, or you can create your own by filling out the form on the Create page and sending it to us.
The characters that are in bold and italic font are taken. The characters in red are available.
lick on the characters that are underlined (meaning I've gotten off my lazy butt to get their stat pages up) to see their Stats (powers, attacks, power level -all characters start at level one- strengths and weaknesses ect.)
Have fun!

-Laxa & Versia
Good Guys:

Sailor Moon/Serena

Sailor Mercury/Ami

Sailor Mars/Raye

Sailor Jupiter/Lita

Sailor Venus/Mina

Sailor Saturn/Hotaru

Sailor Mini-Moon

Tuxedo Mask/Darien

Raven Solaris

Eclipse Gemini

Rose Aurora Gemini

Orion Midnight



Created Good-Guys
(obviously, all of these are taken)

Sailor Earth

The Wonder Twins;
Sailor Solar Eclipse & Sailor Lunar Eclipse
(Rini's twin sisters)

Sailor Mizar


Lilyanna, the Dragon Rider


Mukudori (Versia in brainwashed state)

Anyatakai (Laxa in brainwashed state)

Shadow King (unamed)

Shadow Queen (unamed)

Shadow Prince 1
(unamed, but is a main character)

Shadow Prince 2
(unamed, but is a main character)

Aster (Male General)

Falcon (Male General)
<home> <RPG> <Rules> <Applications> <e-mail us>

If you see a character thatyou want above that is available, e-mail us by clicking on the red 'submit' button below. In the body of the text, we want your character's name, warrior name, age, hair color, eye color, defensive attack, offensive attack, and any specific weak points.
Then enter in your e-mail in the box below, and join the group! Your selected character will be registered under your name with a personalized stat page within a few days.
If you don't want one of the pre-set characters above, you can create your own character!

Fill out that form, send it, then enter in your e-mail address there, and start role playing! Have fun! Ja ne!

-Laxa & Aurora
Create Character
Submit your selected character's profile here.
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