Alright so we are all at shawns kickass house...chillin out in front of barn......we are shooting cans w/ the paintball gun...and nick is riding around on the scooter because he think he is the "scooter master" well kirstin says " im going to shoot the gun at the ground and see how bad nick freaks out" so after a couple of hilarous nick impressions by kirsitn nick is riding around on the scooter..kirstin takes the gun and shoots it at the ground..or so we thought...the paintball actually hits nick in the foot...everyone is hysterically laughing...except for nick goes on a screaming rampage saying u fucking bitch and how he is pissed...but no one cared because it was just so damn funny. chandler sees nick being the master scooter boy that he is...and chanman thinks that he can do the same jumping over little tiny chandler tries the first time almost falls but doesnt....he does that a couple of times...then about the 5th time he totally goes flying flat on his face.. well of course we all are cracking up...chandler gets up saying "I CAN DO THIS I CAN" so we give him support and he goes again.... he trips runs into a ladder and then the ladder falls on him...this was even funnier then the first time he fell so of course we are all cracking he tries again...chandler had hurt his wrist water he goes again goes flying into shawns other part of the garage and chandler tries to catch himself w/ his wrists well he layed there for about 10 min we thought he was dead...finally when he gets up he says "something is wrong w/ that scooter"

So Nick had a bunch of people over for the glad fest in momence...we are sitting out on the nicks porch talking have a grand ol' time..and there are people walking by his house...well kirstin tells us all to be quiet and act cool  because her boyfriend was coming to pick her up...we all look over towards the side walk...and  we see a nice round plump santa claus looking man...meghan yells "thats nicks dad"

So Me, Nick, Bri, and Meghan are driving in nicks car and were at at stop sign by railroad tracks and Bri sees a critter moving around in the grass. We look closer and we see that its a beaver waddling around in the grass. We want to go out and look at it but Nick takes off as I roll down the window and scream "I LOVE YOU". Just as I do a kid on a bike rides by and gives me a funny look so I yell "NOT YOU! THE BEAVER!"
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