The Discreet Charm of the Brassiere
Music and Lyrics: Kassy
We would meet at the Best Value Inn
You and me and Shanna and Kim
And Emmy and Paul and Matty and Dinky
And we'd find fun new uses for Slinkies
As the night wore on, the bras piled higher
On the floor, and yet no one was tired
We drank and smoked and watched
Real Sex 5
And we all broke it down to a cool cat's jive


But my friends and lovers
One of you hovers and hovers
He won't leave me alone, he won't just pout
And I'm screaming, "Paul's freaking me out!"

Paul won't stop staring at me
And I'm longing to be free
He chains me to him with guilt
As he plunges his knife to the hilt
He stabs me with sorrowful glances
And questions me about his chances
I would tell him to scram
But this new love may be a flash in the pan


I wake up with three girls in bed
And wish it was one man instead
Paul's out of the picture, that much is clear
Now it's Dinky I'm wishing were here
As we sort through the piles of undies
I run across some of his sundries
I wipe away a bitter tear
For he denies the charm of brassieres
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