Alethea Rowan D'vine
Alethea Rowan D'vine Character Profile

Chapter One
      The Goddess Celestyn
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
"The Goddess Celestyn"

      Celestyn was the mother creator of all Silverians and in the begining of time she did live amongst them. As with any mother she raised her childen to behave properly and act accordinly. She molded their very culture and social order. The time with her children she cherished the most, but she was lonely and longed return to heaven. In truth her powers were weakening, due to the expansive time she had spent on earth.

    After ruling over her children for a thousand years, Celestyn decided that her role as mother was no longer needed. Her creations had grown into a vast civilization, with a population that was growing into the thousands. Her last twenty years in service as their ruler was raising her last creation. Unlike her first creation, this one was special and was meant to take her place when she left. She named the female child Tsuyoi, which meant a severe force. Celestyn created Tsuyoi to be almost a complete duplicate of herself. The only difference between the two was the fact that Tsuyoi was limited, she would not live forever. Despite the fact that life expentency of a silverian could last over a thousand years.The day that Celestyn returned to heaven was a sad day for all silverians, and is still mourned to this day.

    It wasn't long after Celestyn departure that a war broke out between the silverians and neighboring society. It was a bitter war, tainted by the bloodlust of the manifested Lord Devastator. Lord Devastator known only to a few close friends as Sebastian was a merciless man, who had had his eyes on the Silverian's beautiful land for quite some time. He was only waiting for the right opertuned time to strike.

    Despite the pure blood of Celestyn flowing through her veins tsuyoi was out matched by Lord Devastator and his minions. Her kingdom soon bowed to his will, was over taken by darkness. Tsuyoi and her people were now prisoners Lord Devastator. Forced into being his pet, Tsuyoi still had hope and in secret was planning a rebellion. Her people were growing even less as the years went by, almost becoming extinct as they were forced into slavery. Finally Tsuyoi and her people rose up against Lord Devastator. Making their way into the mountains where they found refuge.It was a beautiful mountain range and the silverian's started a new.

    Unknown to many at the time, Tsuyoi was pregnant with Lord Devastator's child no less. She had secretly fallen in love with the brutish man who had enslaved her people, but her pride and honor would of never let that show. They could never be togther, not after the torture he had put her people through. She kept her pregnacy a secret, until it was she truely in full bloom. The few silverians that were left, were surprisingly happy about the fact Tsuyoi was pregnant. An heir to the Silverian's crown and perhaps a final peace would be bridge because of the child. Tsuyoi grew to love the child that grew inside her and she named that life Alethea.

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