As you have already read, in "Who Am I?", I am fairly new to Wicca. Not in knowledge of, but rather choosing my path. So here is where I will begin to tell you my tale, and in the coming days, weeks, and months, I will fill you in on my progress & accomplishments. Now as I told you in the beginning, I am being helped along in my journey by my very good friend (who happens to be my sister-in-law, he he inside help), Medea Moonfire.          
       To continue where I left off in my previous tale, I am now in the process of choosing my path in the Wiccan faith. Now, I have been reading and searching anything I can get my hands on about the many different paths that surround the Wiccan faith. I am not certain this day if I would be able to choose just one! There is of course the option of being an Eclectic Sole Practitioner, and I am studying that as well. Recently Medea has asked me, "If you had to pick one path, which would it be?", and to that I think I would have to say Celtic although I don't feel that I am ready to make my choice just yet. Medea was guiding me to study more about the one(s) that I feel more comfortable with beginning my journey, somewhat of a "starting point" if you will.
       I am of course still studying all courses in which to travel, as well as picking my Deity. I have chosen Brighid, High Lady Goddess of the inner flame of life, nature, and creation (to name just a few). This may or may not change in the coming days as I learn my place in the faith, but for now this will be my Deity. As I am also learning, to balance my faith I should also choose a God as well. This is proving to be more difficult than I had anticipated! However, I am eagerly awaiting the finished pages of
The Waking Moon's Deity section and will be able to further study all Deity's and God's further and hopefully find mine!
       In another aspect of my learning's, I am also very interested in Spiritual Crystal & Amulets. Not so long ago I had begun to search for a protection stone (as you may have read in
Who Am I?). I am again turning to Medea for help in this area, as she has more experienced knowledge than I, to pick the stone that will have the most meaning, and therefor effect, to me. I have yet to make this decision also, however I did pick up a beautiful Blue Lace Agate this past week. This stone has many spiritual associations and attributes. The Blue Lace Agate is associated with the 5th Chakra (ruled by Mercury). Agate, in general, is a grounding stone. The most common attribute to the Blue Lace Agate is the ability to promote ease and peacefullness. It is a very gently stone allowing you to relax and let tranquil energies flow freely. I have only recently began to understand the spiritual powers of cystals, and have only had my Blue Lace Agate a short time, but I will let you know, as time progres', how things work out and what my choices turn out to be. I may pick these things that I have discussed here, or they may pick me! Either way I will update you soon.

                 Love and Light & Brightest Blessings to All :-p
The Journey Begins
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