Sit or lay down in a comfortable position, keeping your spine as straight as possible.

 Close your eyes. Imagine your body getting lighter. Now, imagine that a gentle wave of warmth [or warm water] is washing over your body, beginning with the top of your head. Let the warmth wash over you. Feel the warmth bringing peace to your head as it washes away all tension.

Now, allow the warmth to wash down your neck and shoulders. Peace is washing over you and you are relaxed. Let the warmth wash down your arms to your fingertips. Let any tension flow out through your fingertips, disappearing forever.

Now, let the warmth wash down your chest and back. Feel the warmth and relaxation wash over your belly and down   your thighs. Peace is washing over you and you are relaxed. Let the warmth wash down you knees and calves and then your feet and toes. Let any tension flow out through your toes, disappearing forever.

Now, you are relaxed. Let the warmth wash down your entire body again, washing away any left-over tension. You are relaxed. you may remain in this relaxed state for a while, if you like.

When you are ready, take some deep breaths and slowly open you eyes.


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