Welcome to the
School Room
Contact Me
Weither you like school or not we all have one.  Unless of course your truant but thats really here nor there.  My school is Placer High school.  So if your thinking this is for education and help with school your WRONG!  Face the facts, no one wants to hear about how to get good grades on your final and how to write a decent report when your cruising the web trying to have fun.  And even if i put that stuff on here it would be too much effort for something that would never be used.  But of course if your WOULD like some help with school feel free to e-mail me.         

As I said I go to Placer High School.  I'm a Freshmen (9th grade) and I'm taking Art, P.E., Biology, Geometry, Computers - Multimedia, and Accelerated freshman English.  My favorite class is Art and my least favorite would have to be P.E. and second last Geometry, only because I dont like math.  So Click away to find out about my school and stuff.  ~Happy Trails~
My School in General
My advice to upcoming Freshman
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