Episode 14

At the farm, Xiao Tong was packing his stuff, he wanted to leave Taiwan. Jing Jing asked if Yi Xun had something to do with it but he was just quiet and he walked away, Yi Xun arrived and Jing Jing hit her in the face and she told her to go away angrily.
Yi Xun was sad, she followed Xiao Tong and talked to him, Xiao Tong wished her happiness with Leo, they were both sad.
Yi Xun's heart was hurting again and she coughed blood and she fainted, Xiao Tong was scared and he quickly took her to the hospital.

Xiao Tong was upset when he knew about her disease, he promised Liang Mama to take care of her.
Leo was still angry and he hit that manager.
Xiao Tong was busy trying to find a doctor for Yi Xun, he had to make her better again! and he found a doctor who wanted to help her.
Leo and Maggie were shopping together and Leo saw that his story about his parents were published in a magazine and he asked Peter about it, he was quite angry.
Peter ignored them and Leo was upset and angry, Maggie felt a bit bad.

Yi Xun was in the hospital and Xiao Tong took care of her, he asked her to be his wife and after a while she agreed happily and Xiao Tong was also happy.
Maggie and Leo decided to leave Taiwan together, they wanted to go back to the USA.
Yi Xun read the article about Leo's parents, she was sad and she wanted to meet him so she sent him a SMS-message.
The next day, Yi Xun was making herself ready to meet Leo, Jing Jing and Xiao Hui came to visit her.Jing Jing helped Yi Xun to put some make-up on her face and Jing Jing cried, she was so sorry! Xiao Tong and Xiao Hui also cried, the girls hugged each other.

In the restaurant, Yi Xun was really weak so she had a wheelchair, Xiao Tong helped her to sit down and he left to wait for her outside, Yi Xun quickly put on more lipgloss.
Leo came and he told her that she looked beautiful, Leo saw the ring and he was curious about the wedding, Maggie was also waiting outside she saw the wheelchair and Xiao Tong, she was surprised.
Leo left after a while and Yi Xun and Leo cried.
Xiao Tong came in and Yi Xun began to cough again, coughing blood. He wanted to take her to the hospital but he wanted to wait till Leo was gone. Leo met Maggie outside but he wanted to be alone so he walked away by himself, Maggie saw the weak Yi Xun and she followed them to the hospital.
She was surprised and asked Xiao Tong about her condition, he told her not to tell Leo about it, Yi Xun didn't want him to know the truth.

Maggie got home and Leo was packing his stuff already, she wanted to tell him about Yi Xun but she promised Xiao Tong not to tell him so she didn't.
Yi Xun and Liang Mama were talking about the old days.

At the airport, Leo was supposed to go to the USA and Yi Xun was supposed to meet the doctor so they met each other, he was surprised to see her in a wheelchair, she told him that there was something with her ankle. They said goodbye and Maggie and Leo walked away together.
Maggie and Leo were waiting for their plane but she couldn't hold it anymore, she told Leo the truth about Yi Xun and about her. She apologised and he was surprised, he ran away to find Yi Xun leaving the crying Maggie behind, she was sad but also happy, she felt much better "bye Leo!" she yelled.

Friday, 11-7-2003

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