Episode 15 (last episode)

At the airport, Leo found Yi Xun and Xiao Tong, Yi Xun was shocked and Leo asked her about her condition. She said that she doesn't wanted to hurt him, Leo said that he didn't care about it.
He said that he doesn't care if she dies tomorrow or today he wants to be with her, Yi Xun was touched and Xiao Tong was a bit sad, he walked away. He said that he lost this game, Leo thanked Xiao Tong but he was upset.

Yi Xun and Leo moved to a little village and they had fun together, Yi Xun was happier and she felt much better and they were both very in love.
Xiao Tong visited them, he gave Leo a application form for a singing contest.
The famous manager who first refused Leo's demo (episode 4) heard Leo's song "Xing Fu De Shun Jian" and he was interested.
He visited Leo who was singing by the seaside in the little village, he was looking at him and then Yi Xun came and she gave Leo a coat, the couple smiled to each other and the manager was touched, he wanted Leo to work for him but Leo wanted to work with Peter again and Peter heard that and they were friends again.

Yi Xun was shopping but suddenly she fainted and she was in the hospital again, she was pregnant.
The doctor and Liang Mama told Leo that it wouldn't be save for Yi Xun if she kept the baby so Leo said to Yi Xun that she should have an abortion. But Yi Xun didn't agree, she wanted to give Leo a child so he won't be lonely if she died. They were both sad.

A few months later, Yi Xun was still pregnant and happy, Leo was also happy and he wanted to lift up Yi Xun and the baby so he lift up Yi Xun spinning her around gently.
Peter came in and he grinned softly. He told Leo to go now.

2 years later, Yi Xun's mum Liang Mama was playing with a little girl, Leo came and the little girl ran away yelling daddy but she wasn't talking to him, she flew in the arms of her father who was behin Leo.
He apologised that he was a bit late, Liang Mama said that it was okay and they went to Yi Xun's and the baby's grave, Xiao Tong just left.

2 years earlier, Yi Xun and Leo said goodbye and Leo left, Peter quickly came back and he gave Yi Xun a present, he said that it was for the baby, Yi Xun was happy.
Leo was making himself ready for the TV show at the set, Yi Xun was still home and she opened the present but suddenly her stomach and her heart hurted.

Leo was on stage, he thanked everyone for their support and he told them about him and Yi Xun and he sung "Xing Fu De Shun Jian" he cried slightly, Yi Xun was brought to the hospital and they tried to save her she was holding her Lavender bottle in her hands, slowly it fell out of her hands and when the song almost ended Yi Xun died. The song ended and the lights went out, Leo was crying there.

After that we see Leo and Yi Xun in white clothes playing around with each other, I think that they are together in their next life.


Friday, 11-7-2003

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