Episode 11

Maggie was packing her stuff at Leo's place ready to move out, she said that she would win Leo back easily, she saw the "Tiffany" necklace and she took it away.
Leo was sending Yi Xun a bunch of SMS-messages and they met at the park, Yi Xun was still mad and Leo was asking for her forgiviness. Yi Xun cried, Leo said that he would wait for her at the seaside, if she did not show up he would go to the US again.

Yi Xun did not wanted to go but she was afraid that he would really go so she went to the seaside, she couldn't find him anymore but he was hiding there, she wanted to leave but then Leo came out with a big smile on his face.
They were both happy and the played with the fireworks again and both had fun, they had a conversation afterwards and they talked about them and they kissed.
Yi Xun wanted her necklace again but Leo apologised and he told her that he lost it, Yi Xun told Leo not to buy another one again that would be too expensive and Leo tapped her cheek happily.

At the farm again, Maggie was looking for Yi Xun, Maggie told Yi Xun about Leo and her to hurt Yi Xun, she also showed her the "Tiffany" necklace and she said that Leo bought it for her.
Xiao Tong said that it was impossible and Maggie was mean, she threw the necklace in the water and Xiao Tong jumped into it and he saved the necklace, Maggie walked away and Yi Xun was touched.
Xiao Tong was sick and Yi Xun brought him to the Lavender greenhouse, Maggie saw them and locked them up together and she threw the key away.
Jing Jing and Xiao Hui were looking for them, Jing Jing looked in the Lavender greenhouse but at that moment they hid away, Xiao Tong was afraid that Jing Jing would get mad and later Jing Jing left.

Maggie told Leo about Yi Xun and Xiao Tong but he didn't believe her but at that night he went to the greenhouse.
Xiao Tong was having a fever and he said that he loved Yi Xun and stuff, Yi Xun bent down to take care of him but Leo thought that they were kissing, he was very mad and he ran away leaving them alone and he was also very sad.
The next day, Maggie was happy and said bad things about Yi Xun trying to get Leo back but he couldn't.

Xiao Hui and Jing Jing found them and they saved Yi Xun and Xiao Tong, Jing Jing was a bit mad. And she told Yi Xun not to play with Xiao Tong's feelings, Xiao Tong came and took Yi Xun away since she wasn't feeling that good.

Zaterdag, 5-7-2003

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