Episode 12

Xiao Tong took Yi Xun to Leo's place to explain things to him, Yi Xun tried to explain things but he didn't listen he wanted Yi Xun to quit her job, but she didn't want to do that and then Leo got angry, Xiao Tong walked away from his car he wanted to repair the necklace.
Leo was still angry and he gave Yi Xun a fierce kiss, Yi Xun pushed him away and Leo wanted to know how Xiao Tong did it to her.
Yi Xun was angry about the parents thing and they broke up, her heart was hurting and she walked to the car but it was locked and Xiao Tong wasn't back yet but Maggie came and upset her again and Yi Xun fainted and some people brought her to the hospital.

Xiao Tong came back finding Yi Xun's coat lying on the floor, just then Maggie and Leo came out and he asked Leo where Yi Xun was, Leo and Xiao Tong quarelled about Yi Xun and they fought and Xiao Tong returned the necklace, Xiao Tong said to Leo that he should ask Maggie about it.

Yi Xun comes closer

After that they both went to look for Yi Xun, she came out the hospital they've told her that she was getting sicker everyday she walked to "Leo's" greenhouse, Xiao Tong was the first one who arrived and Leo came a bit later and he heard their conversation.
Xiao Tong told her that he loved her but Yi Xun said that she can't be in love and then Leo came out asking for another chance, he pulled his hand out and Xiao Tong did the same, she did not know what to do.
She slowly walked to Leo and she wanted to place her hand on his but she pulled away and she walked to Xiao Tong telling Leo that she doesn't want to hurt him anymore, he was sad and walked away and she fainted.

Leo was depressed but Peter cheered him up a bit, Dennis the mail guy came and gave them a demo cd but Leo didn't want it, Peter told Leo about the necklace and Maggie, Leo wanted to walk away, Peter was angry and said that he can make Dennis popular. Leo didn't care and Peter also told him about Maggie's fax message. Leo was angry and went to Maggie asking her about it.
She told Leo that she was jealous and that she won't leave him, he was very sorry he only loved Yi Xun, Maggie's heart was broken.

Yi Xun and Xiao Tong were hanging around together, he invited her for a dinner on Valentines day and he brought her home there was Leo waiting for Yi Xun.
He told her that Maggie told him the truth and he asked for her forgiviness, Yi Xun said that she was much happier with Xiao Tong.

Yi Xun says that she is much happier with Xiao Tong

Leo's heart was broken, he was sad. Yi Xun got in the house and Xiao Tong left, Leo called her on her handphone but Yi Xun blocked him and Leo cried slightly.
He was sad and then he met Xiao Yu again, she was very happy to see him again, Leo was also very happy, they talked about Yi Xun and Xiao Yu told Leo not to give up hope.
Leo smiled and asked Xiao Yu for her help.

Zaterdag, 5-7-2003

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