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Boosting SalesA



So you've built your site and started to promote it. You're
getting some sales, but you want to generate more.

There is one simple sales technique that almost every Internet
marketing expert agrees will DRAMATICALLY boost your sales every
single day - follow up with your prospects.

The bottom line is this - if you want to vastly increase the
number of your visitors who turn into valued customers, you need
to contact them over and over. Through a series of messages, you
need to convey the emotional and logical reasons why they MUST
buy your product.

If you assume that your visitors are going to buy from you on
their first and only visit to your site, you are mistaken. It
just doesn't happen that quickly. Approximately 80% of sales are
made AFTER the initial contact. Do you see how many sales you
could be losing if you don't initiate further contact?

Consider your site's visitors perspective. Do you grab your
credit card every time you pass through a store and see something
you like? It doesn't mean you're going to buy it right then and
there. When you decide to buy it, do you go back to that same
store? Maybe, maybe not! Would you be more inclined to return to
a particular store if the sales associate gave you a courtesy

How do you follow up for maximum effect and what tools and
techniques should you use?

The Tools

Begin by realizing that you can't do all this by yourself!
Suppose you get 500 visitors a day to your site and one in fifty
of them requests information. That's ten e-mails you're going to
have to send manually for the next few days or weeks. And
tomorrow you get another ten, and the next day another ten... can
you imagine how complicated managing this process could be?

What is the best management tool available? Sequential or
follow-up autoresponders.

Autoresponders are the e-mail equivalent of "fax-on-demand"
systems. Someone sends your autoresponder an e-mail or subscribes
to it on your web site and the autoresponder sends the messages
and manages the follow-up process from that point. It does the
managing for you!

A good autoresponder system will send out the right message on
the right day, address your prospect by name, keep track of the
follow-up sequence while automatically building you a database of
interested contacts.

Most web site hosting packages come with autoresponders. Usually,
however, these send out a single message and therefore can't be
used for continually following up with prospects. Instead, you
can pay monthly fees to an autoresponder service or install
software on your site and run them directly from there.

 The Techniques

So what techniques can you employ in your follow-up messages to
turn your prospect into a customer?

- Technique 1: Build Trust and Credibility
The more you contact your prospect with useful and relevant
information, the more they will assume you can be trusted. By
offering valuable credible information, you prove to your
prospect that you know what you are talking about.

- Technique 2: Create thee Emotional Reason to Buy
With each message you send, you can work on the need or desire
that your product will satisfy. More money to pay for that
holiday? More free time to spend with the family? Less stress?
People buy because they WANT something, secondly because they
NEED it.

- Technique 3: Increase tthe Offer
Gradually increase the perceived value of your offer until your
prospect has to find reasons not to buy from you! You can do this
by offering free bonuses, discounts, or free shipping. But here's
the golden rule - all of them must be time-limited to push your
prospect to make that final decision.

- Technique 4: Logical Juustification
People buy for emotional reasons, but they need that decision
backed by solid logical reasons. Your follow-up plan should
include logical reasons why your prospect should buy - reasons
based on facts and figures, not on emotional desire alone.

- Technique 5: Avoid the After-Sale Blues
How many times have you bought something and then immediately
regretted it? You can avoid this situation (and refunds) after
the sale by reassuring your new customer their decision to
purchase was a good one. You simply need to remind them that your
product will save time, increase sales, boost site traffic, help
them lose weight or whatever. They have already bought it - they
just need reminding what it will do for them.

In summary, to dramatically increase your ratio of visitors to
sales, you ABSOLUTELY MUST follow up with your prospects and site
visitors. It works, it's proven, and it's easy if you use the
right tools.

AutoResponse Plus is one of the Internet's leading autoresponder
systems. Install it on your own web site today!


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