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 just for visiting this site.



The Importance of an Ezine


  What Goes Around, Comes Back
 in Many, Many Ways


An affiliate Program I Recommend

 What Goes Around, Comes Back in Other Ways

I am no stranger to the internet. I offered a free opportunities ezine in 1996.
I don't look at that experience as a failure, either. Even though I put way more
time than money into the project, I learned tremendous lessons.

I didn't have the financial resources to keep at it. Well, I am back!
Why, you might ask? Because I am ambitious and I know it can be
done. By it, I mean

making a living,
working from home online,
on the internet,
with your computer.

You see, by coming back after all that time, I have discovered some secrets,
that only the "guru's" know. I have discovered that some of the
things I did with my ezine, were right on track. I can't tell you how many
nights since I started building my website, this time around, that I have kicked
myself, (not really:o) for not sticking with it longer back in 96. I would have
been rolling in the dough for sure by now.

If you look at this website, Laurie's Legends Software, I have built it from
scratch. I didn't spend a penny besides the internet connection. (OH I guess
that's not the absolute complete truth. I have upgraded my computer quite
a bit since 1996.

Anyhow, this time I am taking a new approach. I am attempting on this site,
to sell things through affiliate articles and ads while I researched my plan
of attack. Maybe those aren't the proper words. I don't plan to hurt, cheat,
swindle, rip off, or scam anybody. I know that you get in proportion to what
you give. It is an old adage, "What goes around, comes around in different
ways."I believe this. It has been proven to me over the years of my life.

I knew what worked from back then, and I am learning what works now. I
have discovered a secret that the newbies would love to know. A secret about
marketing information online. I have discovered how to learn everything
I need to know to develop my own product without spending hardly more
than basic business liscensing start up fees. If you really have time and
ambition it can be done.

I have learned through researching the internet, just in the past few weeks,
why my affiliate attempts don't seem to be moving too fast. I will adjust and
revamp them. This article is on Geocities. Real soon, I will launch
my own domain name, and then things are really going to roll.

I can also tell, because of my experiences in 1996 which is hype and which is
real. I actually recognized some of the names of the online marketers. I had
worked with many back then. If they are still at the same thing after 6 years,
that says something about what they are doing right.

But of all the affiliate offers I have attempted so far, I have to recommend this
E-book. If you plan on making any money online. To make money selling
information. You need an E-zine. I can tell you that it does work. My subscriber base
steadily grow over 6 months. My approach though, was a little off target.

This guy is right on track. I downloaded his sample book. It reinforced all the
things I had done right in 1996. It also gives me the tips I need to get on
target this time.

Take his test, the one in his ad copy on his website. The Google test.
I took it, and he was right.

Pages and pages of articles of his, are all over the internet. Not only did I get a
chance to read them, I found many more from various authors, on the same
websites that have taught me plenty.

He is one of those who follows that same philosophy, What goes around, comes

You need to give, over deliver, to build a loyal target based list.
If you follow this guy's plan, and sign up for my ezine, you will succeed.

Check it out and please use my link, so I can grow my business.

Free EzineWriter E-book

Please send a blank email with subscribe in the Subject line to [email protected].

In the meantime, email me if you would like to put this article in your ezine
or on your website, I can send you a clean copy.
You have permision to post this article on your website or in your newsletter as long as no
changes are made and this resource box is left intact.

Copyrighted by Laurie Meade 2002. All rights reserved.


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